SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 49. 1917. 265 Tennessee River, Tennessee, with a view to locating one low dam T°¤¤6*S°°· at mouth of Whites Creek and one low dam at the mouth of the Clinch River. Little Tennessee River, Tennessee. Black River at Lorain, Ohio. ono. New Buffalo Harbor, Michigan. Mi°hig**¤· Pentwater Harbor, Michigan. _ _ Kenosha Harbor, Wisconsin. W‘S°°“S‘“‘ Bar in Lake Michigan in front of the United States naval training mindsstation, Great Lakes, Illinois, with a view to dredging said bar so as to permit lake vessels to land at said station. 9 _ The Secretary of War is authorized to make such preliminary ,a§;‘g,°S’§f,§{,{·§§,§B2§8 examinations as can be made from available data, without making Riv¤r,N.Y. field surveys, touching the creation of conditions in or aralleling the Saint Lawrence River from Lake Ontario to the Canadian border suitable in all respects for navigation by ocean—going ships, including such approximate estimate of cost of improvement as can be predicated on such available data and an aptproximation of the amount of ower, if any, that would be incident ereto.- Missouri River between Yankton and Vermilion, South Dakota. smh D°k°"°· Los Angeles Harbor, California, with a view to dredging a channel C°“‘°'”i** of adequate width and depth in the West Basin. Harbor at Newport, California. Sacramento River, California, from the city of Sacramento to the cit of Colusa, with a view to providing a channel six feet in depth. Petaluma Creek, California. Haydens Slough, Columbia River, near Portland, Oregon, with a °”¤°°- view to the relocation of the dike near upper end. . The Secretary of War is directed to make a sm·vey and submit a report to Congress with a view to securing achannel thirty-five feet geep in the Lower Columbia and Willamette Rivers below Portland, Ein ship channel in or near the mouth of the Columbia River on the southerly or Oregon side from a élxgint in the vicinity of Point Adams along channe to or a short tance above Tongue Point, and of Younis Bay from the Columbia River channel to a point one mile agiove the county bridge, so as to give a depth of forty feet at low ti e. The Secretary of War is directed to make a survey and submit a W¤¤¤¤z¢¤¤¤¤<i ON- report to Congress upon the advisabilit{ of securing a channel in the gm Columbia River from the mouth of the Willamette River to the eastern limits of the city of Vancouver, Washin ton, equal in width and depth to the project channel from the mouéi of the Willamette go the city of Portland, Oregon, and what cooperation, if any, should e ven. Cglumbia River between Carrolls, Washington, and Stella, Washington, and the Cowlitz River below Ostran er, Washington, with a view to devising plans for bank protection, including consideration of any proposition for cooperation on the part of local or State interests. Willamette Slougg, Oregon, with a view to removing old dikes and breakwaters now o tructing navigation. East Channel, Coos River, Oregon. · Tillamook Bay and River and Hoquarten Slo h, Oregon, with a ·view to securing the most feasible channel fromugie entrance to the c1t§ of Tillamook. lack River and Renton Harbor, Washington. W“'““g“"’· Mouth of the Cowlitz River, Washington, or the purpose of determming the advisability of the construction of a jetty, or other means, for deepening the channel at the mouth of the river.