294 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 56. 1917. ·*¤¤¤¤* °°¤ “°*‘ d That the Secret of the Treasury is authorized to appoint gtormiii t¤li1?· an( nhsistant comptrollgiiyand an assistant auditor and to fix their com ensation, and to designate from among the persons t0_ be M emplb ed hereunder one or more to act in the absence or disability p.l;f'£Yy°°°'”°m ’ of such assistant comptroller and assistant auditor. He shall also prescribe the number and maximum compensation to be (paid to agents, accountants, clerks, translators, interpreters, an other S H, t 0, W persons who mady be employed m the work imder this section by the mm by Assistants comptroller an auditor. The assistant comfptroller and assistant ° auditor shall have full power to perform m a oreign country all the duties with reference to the sett ement there of the accounts of the Military llhtablishment that the comptroller and auditor now have · at the seat of Govemment and in foreign countries under the provisions of this section, shall perform such duties m accordance cm, www hm, with the instructions received from and rules and regulations made eu-., me apptligéile w by the comptroller and auditor. Such persons as are residing in a °“"“°’°°°‘ ‘ fore' countigl when nrst employed hereunder shall not be required to t§ia an oa of office or be re uired to be empl¥ed pinsuant to the laws, rules, and regulations relating to the class` ed civil service, nor shall they be reimbiused for subsistence expenses at their post of duty or for expenses in traveling to or from the United States. ,,},—F?‘“mE,gg°;_“§ (e) That it shall be the duty of all contracting, purchasingi and ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤.••¤· disbursing officers to allow any representative of the comptro er or auditor to examine all books, records, and papers in any way connected with the receipt, disbursement, or disposal of pu lic money _ and to render such accounts and at such times as may be required
$ by the comptroller. No administrative examination by the War
·¤•*‘*¤¤**•i'•°• Department shall be required of accounts rendered and settled v°"°’”"“’ abroad, and the time wi in which these accounts shall be rendered • b ,dlSbU1`S1Ilg officers shall be rescribed by the comptroller, who sgall have power to waive any delinquency as to time or form in the §°:,"T_‘“‘°"°° md rendition 0 these accounts. All contracts connected with accounts ` d to be settled by the auditor abroad shall be filed in his office there.
§,,,,, (f)_ That_any person appointed or employed under the_provisi0¤S
· of this section w o at the time is in the service of the United States shall, upon termination of his services hereunder, be restored to the ` w“°' position held by him at the time of such emplo ent. No provision va. an, It mm. of existing law shall be construed to Ggrevent til? payment of money _ appropriated for the salary of any vernment officer or employee at the seat of _Government who may be detailed to perform dutly undpliéltehgs Socttilonroutside the District of Columbia, and such detai S _ are y au 0 . QL Ymi¤¤;,l°"M'•$, (g) That for the payment of the expenses in carrying into effect this ‘°""‘°‘ section, including traveling expenses, per diem of $4 in lieu of subsistence for omcers and employees absent from Washington, rent, cable; grams and telegrams, pr1nt1ng,law books books of reference periodicals, stationery, office equipment and exchange thereof, sup lies, and all other I1e0essar_§&;xpenses, there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the _ usury not otherwise appropriated, for the iiscal year ending June tlurtieth, nineteen hundred) and eighteen, the sum ·’·¤°*‘¤¤>• ¤* Wm- Qi $300,000,of which not exceeding $25,000 may be expended at W8$h‘ h°‘°°°‘ mgton for the purpose of thie section, but no officer or emplogw Payrsmicckm. Kali 1*0061V; for duty in Washington any compensation other t fm .,'{.Yl,°..¤22r'2'¤{"°‘ (hl the Secretary of the Treasury may designate not more than two persons hereunder to act as special disburs` m8°“'¤¤°¤*m¤ °' •°‘ :%****1:** °f the “P£;*3m’m°¤ h¢!'0i¤. to BGYVB under the directionlilil e comptroller, their accounts Shall be rendered to and settled §’3’..,"L‘i..’{.‘i3§`t‘S““€i°*l‘t’?.” °fa°°° i.`Y.‘ii‘““$i i“ w”hl‘}i"’“‘ An P"` un er sec ous o ' `es as the Secretary of the Treasury may Such dmoud dun