SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 61, 62. 1917. 297 Secretary of War; the Chief Constructor of the Navy and two other officers of the Navy, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Navy; _ _ and two additional civilian members. The cha.irman and civilian ,&,’}§,l;°,§P§e“$s{“‘°‘°“'“‘ members shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the genate. Sec. 3. That said board and tenure of office of the members T°““‘° °'°m°°‘ thereof shall continue during the pleasure of the President, but not Cwmms to sem lon er than six months after the present war. The civilian members waimut pay. of Sie board shall serve without compensation. _ Sec. 4. That the board is hereby empowered, under the direction c,,§§§°§§'l$f°},‘, ,§’{,.,,£’,,‘}{j and control of and as authorized by the Secretary of War and the ggcmtgumw Pims- Secretary of the Navy, respectively, on behalf of the Departments of " y` War and Navy, to siépervise and direct, in accordance with the requirements prescribe or aplproved by the respective departments, the purchase, production, an manufacture of aircraft, engines, and all ordnance and instruments used in connection therewith, and accessories and materials therefor, including the purchase, lease, acquisition, or construction of lants for the manufacture of aircraft, engines, and accessories: P1‘0‘VlE' ed, That the board may make recom- ram. _ mendations as to contracts and their distribution in connection with ,,,,£§L’°uQg'c’¥§‘{,‘;,?t‘°“s” the foregoing, but every contract shall be made by the already con- " stituted authorities of the res five departments. Sec. 5. That the board is als? empowered to employ, either in the ,,;E_“,E}§h’g‘§,’;,,§_‘p°““· District of Columbia or elsewhere, such clerks and other employees as may be necessary to the conduct of its business, including suc technical experts an advisers as may be found necessary, an to fix their salaries. Such salaries shall conform to those usually paid by the ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· Govemment for similar service: Provided, That by unanimous ap- {,’;°¤{)#;>;· m proval of the board higher compensation may be paid to technical Y xm ` experts and advisers. The board may rent suita le offices in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, urchase necessa office equip- lowdment and supplies, including scientigls publications antdvprinting, and may incur necessary administrative an contingent expenses, and for all of the expenses enumerated in this paragra h there shall be S§$,¥,'§‘§‘l§f,{-§`f,"{;,$l$l allotted by the Chief Signal Officer of the Army lfor the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen and nineteen hundred and eighteen the sum of $109,000, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, from any appropriation now existing for or hereinafter made to the Signal Corps of the Army, and such appropriation is hereby made available for these purposes: Promkied further, That except upon the joint and ,,,l)‘?,¥.’.l{‘,‘§‘l}§,l‘t,;‘LleI({°’ concurrent approval of the Secreta of War and the Secretary of the Navy there shall not be establisheld or maintained under the board any office or organization duplicating or relplacing, in whole or in part, any office or organization now existing t at can be pro rly established or maintained by appropriations made for or availallile for the military or naval services: Providedfurther, That a report shall be B°*""“°°°“"”°· made to Congress on the first day of each regular session of the salaries paid from this appropriation to clerks and employees by grades, and the number in eac such grade. Approved, October 1, 1917. CHAP. 62.-An Act To authorize exploration for and disposition of potassium. 0°tf§lT°{1§3}?"' Be it emzcted the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the (P"bu°’ N°` Q'] United States of lyiymerica. in Uongress assembled, 'Fhat the Secréary ;§t$i°lis`llL”zi¤lé’a°:li°i¤ of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed, under such rules ,§f’°"°'·°" *’“"“° and regulauons as he may prescribe, to issue to any a plicant who is a citizen_ of the United States, an association of such citizens, or a corporation organized under the laws of any State or Territory