322 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 63. 1917. "f‘ “·“" mm- thereof of the remium charged: Provided further, That olicies of R°m’°”°°° °x°m°t’ reinsurance shall be exempt from the tax imposed by this subdi- . vision. (dil’§i€1nsa“sL°‘i°és. 3. Capital stock, issue: On each original issue, whether on organization or reqrgamzation, of certificates of stock by any association, hmm company, or corporation, on each $100 of face value or fraction wmminmvam. thereof, 5 cents: romded, That where capital stock is issued without face value, the tax shall be 5 cents ger share, unless the actual value is in eiicmgf ?100 gtlar sllliare, w lch ciinlse tlre tax shall be 5 cents on eac 0 actu v ue or raction ereo . T°“°°“°°h°"*° Thestam es ti thet im db this bd"' ,,,,,,,,b,m_ ps repr en ng a.x ose su 1v1sion shallcdbe attached to the stock books alild not yto the certiicates issu . ¤°I°°°"”°S’°”‘ 4. Capital stock, sales or transfers: On all sales, or agreements to sell, or memoranda of sales or deliveriw of, or transfers of legal title to shares orhcetrlltilicatofg of stock inhany agsocgitilon, lgpmpany, or corporation, w e er m e upon or s own the oo o the association, company, or corporation, or by any issignment in blank, or by any dehyery, or by any paper or agreement or memorandum or other evidence of trans er or sale, w ether entitling the holder in any manner to the benefit of such stock or not, on each $100 of face va ue or fraction thereof, 2 cents and where such shares of stock are without par value, the tax shall be 2 cents on the transfer or sale oragreement to sell on each share, unless the actual value thereof is in excess of $100 per share, m which case the tax shall be 2 cents C1 .,w.,,,,;'°"'°°,,,;,,,,,m,,,t, on each $100 of actual value or fraction thereof: Provided, That it is °°”*¤°°· not intended by title to impose a tax upon an agreement evidencmq a depos1t of stock certificates as collateral security for Tmsfm www money oaned thereon, which stock certificates are not actually sold, banhusmtc. nor upon such stock_cert1ficates so deposited: Provided further, That the tax shall not be upon deliveries or transfers to a broker for zsrlhe, nor gpon d6l.I\L61'lBS_05 traliisflsiis by albroker to a customer or om an upon w ose or er e as purc ased same, but such . deliveries or transfers shall be accom anied b a certificate settin boggling Stamps m forth the facts: Provided further, That? in case of sale where the evi? Onwrmmm dence of transfer is shown only byothe books of the com any the stamp shall be placed upon such oks; and where the cllan e of Ou bms ohm ownership transfer of the certificate the stamp shall be placed upon the ce cate; and m cases of an agreement to sell or where the transfer is bg delivery of the certificate assigned in blank there shall be made an delivered by the seller to the buyer a. bill or memorandum of such sale, to which the stamp shall be affixed; and every bill ctn; metrplorgndurg of ialteh or agreeu;e1;1t toalfell lipfore mentioned shall ,,msbmm,°m¤, s ow e ate thereo , e name 0 the s er, the amount of the sale, ¤¢·¤.,with¤¤t¤tamps. and the matter or thing to which it refers. An erson or ersons liable to pay the tag: al? herein pxillovided, or anydrng who act? in the matter as agent or ro er or su person or ersons who shall make any such sale, or who shall in pursuance of) any such sale deliver gay stpck ori; evidence of the sell; oi agny stoctlilor bill or rpemoraigilxuué ereo,as erem uu·ed,w1 ou aving e ro ers am sa e thereto with intenltolslo evade the foregoing provillioffs shall bl; deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall pay a fine of not exceeding $1,000, or be imprisoned not more than six months, Sam of {mm at or both, at the discretion of the court. mm§,.,,§,c_, ,0, tu. 5. Produce, sales of, on exchange: Upon each sale, §reement of °“’° d° my- sale, or agreement to sell, mcluding so-called transferr or scratch sales, any products or merchandise at any exchange, or board of trade, or other similar place, for future delivery, for each $100 in value of the merchandise covered by said sale or agreement of sale or agreement to sell, 2 cents, and for each additional $100 or fractional