SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 74-76. 1917. 343 Provided, however, That no bank shall receive or have in circulation {,Q;,"*}°,°, ms md at any cénpztime more than $25,000 m notes of the denominations twos. of $1 an . . Sec. 4. That all Acts or arts of Acts which are inconsistent with peiiigdilsmnt an N this Act are hereby repealed). • Approved, October 5, 1917. CHAP. .— oint R lution To suspend the uirements of annual assessment 0¢’¢¤ber 5, 1917- work on mixing ilaims dg?·ing the years nineteenrliqundred and seventeen and nine- teen hundred and eighteen. . [Pub. Res., No. 12.] Resolved by the Senate and House o Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled? That in order that labor may iiidiélgdide assessbe most efectively used in raising and producing those things needed {';*;£,*',;’,,(f‘{,§{’;”d°d ‘°‘ in the prosecution of the present war with Germany, that the pro- 11}-S-.s¤p2324.p-426· vision of section twenty-three hundred and twenty-four of the Revised '”" p' °“‘ Statutes of the United States which re uires on each mining claim located, and until a patent has been issue?} therefor, not less than $100 worth of labor to be performed or improvements to be made during each year, be and the same is hereby, suspended during the years ninegpleg h'i_1hndred and sieventeen pnd ninetileen hundreid and eigléteepz Prot' , at eve c aimant o an suc mimn¤' ¤· c aim in or er 0 Nom ,,,,8,m,m 0, obtain the benefitsrdf this resolutionyshall file or cause to be filed in ¤*=¤¤¢¤*>¤¤1¤<1- the office where the location notice or certificate is recorded on or before December thirty-first, of each of the years nineteen hundred and seventeen and nineteen hundred and eighteen, a notice of his ‘ _ desire to hold said mining claim under this resolution: Promkled ,,,,°2§1,,,,§’,§‘§“g§_ '°°"“°'“ fprther, That this resolution shall not apply to oil placer locations or ‘ c aims. ‘ This resolution shall not be deemed to amend or repeal the public ,,§‘,{‘§,'“,,°{,,,,?‘°“°'“‘i°“ resolution entitled "Joint rsolution to relieve the owners of mining ·4¤¢¢» 1>·w· claims who have been mustered into the military or naval service of the United States as officers or enlisted men from performing assessment work during the term of such service," approved July seventeenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen. Approved, October 5, 1917. CHAP. 76.-—Joint Resolution Authonz1ng` the ent of O r iii- °°*°b°' 5» mlcers and employees of the Senate and House of Rejggsygztatives olimtl)1: d.:?¢:le:d?:>1i)rn- ment of the present sesion. [Pub. Res., Ne. is.] Resolved by the Senate and House l%éR€Ft1;6867b¢Gl/l068 of the United co { States of America in Congress assemb , at the Secretary of the m.,i€°6°?§si”Sl3i.i$°b':é Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives be, and they are °°Y °‘ °°‘ herebfy, authorized and instructed to ppy to the officers and employ- ees o the Senate and the House of epresentatives, including the Capitol police and pages, borne upon the annual and session rolls, their respective salaries and per diem for the month of October, nineteen hundred and seventeen, on the day of adjournment; and the ,m°;°'a:d”§’,gmg,Qs‘°m‘ Clerk of the House is authorized to pay on said day to Members, ` Delegates, and Resident Commissioners their allowances for clerk lure or said month of October: Provided, That the session employees f;‘;’,‘{,‘;;,,,_,,,,,,,0,s,,,_ of the Senate and House of Representatives shall be paid hereunder mn ¤¤¤1>¤¤y¤·= M ¤¤· for the entire month of October, and a sufficient sum is appropriated, u'°°°'m" out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for that purpose. Approved, October 5, 1917.