SIXTY·FlFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 79. 1917. 35]. Public Schools: For additional amount for installin heating and C**°"Y Ch°°·° S°‘*°°l· ventilating plant in the Elizabeth V. Brown (Chevy ghase) School, $15,000. Health department: The appropriation of $4,000 for repairs and §$Sl§l`sg§¥.?;ll$€§,l5 alterations to the building formerly occupied as an emergency hospital '°$g@f;'°;’{63, is made available for repairs and alterations to such public building ’ ' as the commissioners may be able to secure for use as a laboratory. _ _ Municipal court: For contingent expensw including books, law M"'"°'p”l°°°"‘ books books of reference, fuel, hght, te ephone, blanks, dockets, and all other necessary miscellaneous items and supplies, fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $150. ` __ Washington Asylum and Jail: For payments to destitute women ‘°‘b”‘“°°°°d “'“‘l‘°" and children, includin the same objects specified under this head in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $375.50. Am Li C0 Refunding taxes: Authority is granted to pay out of the appropri- gpuy nn<i°°i··a1alii ation, “Refunding Taxes, District of Columb1a," the sum of $69.58 to §§§$d°§,{'*P°¤Y· the Auto Livery Company and the sum of $44.64 to the Federal Taxicab Company for overpaid personal taxes. Jnagnnna. Judgments: For payment of judgments, including costs, aglzinst the District of Columbia, set forth m House Documents Num red One hundred and sixty-two and Three hundred and forty-two of this session, $18,097.45, together with a further sum to pay the interest at not exceeding four per centum on said judgments, as provided by law, from the date the same became due 'lllllll the date of payment. Half mm 1,,,,,,,,, One·half of the fore ing amounts to meet deficiencies m appro- ¤>v¤¤¤¤¤- priations on account clothe District of Columbia shall be paid’ from the revenues of the District of Columbia and one-half from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Washington Aque- Wasmmrrou Aqummcr: For operation, including salaries of all "“§§,,,,,,,,,,,c,, 8,,, necessary employees, maintenance, and re air of Washin$.on Aque- Fr¤¤w¤¤¤¤€v¤¤¤¤S. duct and its accessories, McMillan Parg Reservoir, ashington Aqueduct tunnel, the Filtration Plant, the plant for the preliminary treatment of the water supply, authorized water meters on Federal services, vehicles and for each and every purpose connected therewith, $64,000, to be paid out of the revenues of the water department. WAR DEPARTMENT. W" D°°°"m°°t‘ ·rr:M1>o1z.uzY nmrnormzs. For the tem orary employment of such additional force of clerks niiydgiiizsxiaicclcmpw and other emplbyees as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be proper and necessary to the Vprongzt, efficient, and accurate dispatch of official business in the ar partment and its bureaus, to e allotted by the Secretary of War to such bureaus and offices as the exi encies of the existing situation may demand, $4,261,232; P,_,,,,_,,,,_ Provided, That the Secretary of War shall submit to Congress on the h1}&¢¤i1%<¤ Statement first day of its next regular session a statement showing by bureaus °° ' or omccs the number and designation of the persons em loyed heretmder and the annual rate of compensation aid to each: Provided mmumn 0,, 1,,,,,,,,, further, That not more than thirty persons shalll be employed hereun- ¤¤¤¤P¤¤¤¤¤°¤=- der at a rate of compensation in excess of $1,800 per annum each and not exceeding $2,400 per annum each. CONTINGENT nxrnnsss. ‘ Continglatexpenses. _ For_ purchase of professional and scientific books, law books, mcluding their exchange; books of reference, blank books, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, maps; typewriters and adding ma-