1558 s1XTY-F1FTH CoNGREss. Sess. III. 011. 129. 1919. {,‘“§;Q‘]“]§Q_§},°;0°,§f°“· The name of Daniel Dawson, late of Company K, Siirty-third Regi- 11ie§g.0Ind1ana Igplluntiher Irifiiliitiyif and pay a pension at the rate 0 per mon m eu o a e IS now receiving. N°*S°¤ J- Fi°°°Y· The name of Nelson J. Finney, late of Company B, Fifty-second Regiment Peinnsylvania Voluntelpr Infantryil and pay him a pension at the rate o $40 per month in `eu 0 that e is now receiving. ·“"°‘*¤¤ B°¤¤°=’· The name of Abraham Benner, late of Company F, One hundred and f:ifty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer nfantry, and pay him_a_pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now c lm receiving. _ _ _ _ _ i;i11i111Si1111{1x.s11r11. The name of Caroline B. Stirk, widow of Ohver J. Stirk, late of Company A, One hundred and fourth Regiment Pennsylvania Vol- Pmsimm nmteer Infantiiy, and pay her a pension at the rate of $25 per month. 111111111 Sutherland. The 1iame_o Upton Sutherland, late of Compang B, First Regiment West Virginia V0 unteer Infantry, and Company , Second Regiment West Virginia Veteran Infanti, and pay him a pension at the rate of P¤·¤»¤ $5i~1§’°’”“°““Eii‘ lieldoiltiigilsoa ‘“’3w ’“$‘%`.3“g‘1 F Wilso 1 1 1 ,,,,·_. _ enameo aina . 1 n,w1owo war . n aeo M 1 da] mlm Company A, Fourth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Cavalry, ahd pay Pension mmmd her a pension at the_rate of $15 per month. news 11. v1111 Aka- The name of Lewis H. Van Antwerp, late of Company G, Seventh ‘”""*’· Regiment United States Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate Pension of $50 per month m lléli of that he is now receiving. Mary s1111ut The name of Mary Smith, widow of Michael Smith, late of Company K, TWBDEY-Glghth Regiment United States Colored Volunteer Pension increased Infantry, and fpayhher a pension at the rate of $25 per month. 1:111111 s1111pm11. The name_o E u Simpdsion, late of the Twenty-sixth Independent Battery, Ohio Volunteer ght Artillery, pay him a pension at PmSmS_ the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. cmiiue The name of Carohne Knierim, widow of PhilippnKnierim, late of gompany D, SiCt(?§1d Rtigirimgrét Kansas Ngplnmteer fantry, and pay B . _ er a pension a e ra 0 5 per mont . P uma Blum The name of Patience Burton, widow of William A. Burton, late of Companly C, Ninety-eighth Regiment, and Company G, Seventy- gciuiiiih miegiiiiepgé Xohlinteer Infantry, and pay her a pension e n . Mmm Busan The name of Mamie Russell, helpless and dependent child of Albert
latte of Cgmparity G, Th1rty-foi;11it}h Regiuient Illinois Voliun-
'E a er an ry an pay er a ension a erate 0 $12 per mont . C °'“ H°"‘hm°°‘ The name bt George Harshman, helpless and dependent child Of Ezelijiil iiiarshriiaii, ltage cggorhgrany S}, Onhulliimdred and first Regimen 11 iana o un er an , an pay a pension at the rate _ of $12 per month. Mum C°mbs` The name of Margie Combs widow of Willis T Combs late of Company B, Ninth Regiment, Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and Umm Andrews. payh er a pension at the rate of $25_per month. C e naxiige <§_Lei;onpii·i1.hA1i1drews, tyviillpnw ofVOir.car Andrews, late of om any ine y- egimen t Inf t , d Delphm P. mug paylrher a pension at the rate of $251per rxiiiiith? un Ger an ry an e name of Delphina P. Leslie, ormer widow of Noble F. Leslie, late of Company C, Tenth Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry,
- r;gi3C%1iipa1iJy DinfOne hundiied ang mnetieth Regiment Pennsylun eer an , '
ggrigms Per mouth. try an pay er a pension at the rate of $25 ‘ ‘ mThe]§ame of David A. Conner, late of Company F, Seventh Reilent elaware Volunteer Infant , and pay him a pension at the Xe,m_,_um,ck_ rate of $24 per month in lieu of {hat he is now receiving. The name of elson Aumxck, late of Company K, One hundred and forty-third_ Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer; Infantry, and pay Iheiiarigarilyignmon at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now