1590 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. February 18, 1910. EULOGIES ON THEODORE ROOSEVELT. [s`C°¤`Ru"N°`m Resolved b%tbe Senate (the House of Representatives concurring),
°°°°§§§ That there s all be rinted and bound, under the direction of the
gbdu i¤pl_¤‘yg_·¤¤¤ Joint on Illriintlingéllilowtmxli tihousand one hundred cloIp1es of the proc an thei ogies e`vered in·Gongresson_ eodore Rooseveltndzte a President of the United States with illusgiation, ofhwhich foug thousand cplpies shall ipe Iilor i1sef (ig the nate, e` t t Ol1S8.!1 copies or- the use o the ouse o e resentativebg two thousand copies for the use of the Senators and Elep- — resentatives of the State of New York, and one hundred copies, bound in full morocco, for the use of Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt: {{1°;i§'°,&n, mum. Provided; Tlhat ther; shall ble igcluded in such docflirngzt the pxégslxu induced. mation o the President an the pnoceedmgs' in the preme urt of the United States on the death of Mr. Rooseveltyan account of the funeral services, and other matter as may be deemed appropriate. Passed February 18, 1919. _ F¢b*’¤”Y @1919- INCOME TAX REGULATTONS. 4 .Co¤.R .,N0.72. ' [H N 1 Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), I"°°'¥‘° “‘* °“"· That there shall be rin 62,700 copies of the ations fort -five Rgalwc 1>¤¤¤¤¤ M relgtinglto the ingomeftax and Ever-Erofitsdandhexces?·1:¥;.roHts tax un ert erevenue cto nineteen un an eig teen l1mm` ` edition relating to the income tax on individuals), 19 200 ¢‘i;>1pies£i'?· the use·of the Senate and 43,500 copies for the use oi the ouse of Representatives, the same to be distributed through the folding rooms. Passed February 25, 1919.
— ., oumsus rnusxou BILL, 11. 11. 12211.
lm Resolved by the House of Re entatives (the Senate concurri ), edi,°ir°ib1i1ii£i1.°I°° That the enrollment of the R. 12211)`entitled "An wget m,°g’{'§§“°“ "‘ °‘“’°"‘ plpnzsglons and increasplpf pensigns to certizdip soldgars and sa orso the egular yan avy an certainso `ersan sailors of wars other than the Civil War, and to widows of such soldiers and - sa1lors," the Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to strike out the name "Hermann" and to insert m lieu thereof the name "Herrman" where it appears in lme 19, page 11, of said bill. Passed February 25, 1919. renmagjrfain. GRAND ARMY ENCAMPMENT, 1919. [H.Con. .,r’r•.69.] cmd Am cn- Resolved by the Ilmgse ey Representatives (the Senate comurr·ing), m,,,,,,,.,,,, ww? That there shall be prints as a House document one thousand five wig? 0% °*=i¤¤‘¤d hundred copies of the journal of the Fifty-third National Eneamp. ment of the Grand Army of the Republic for the year nineteen hundred and nineteen, not to exceed $1,700 in cost, with illustrations, one thousand copies of which shall be for the use of the House and five hundred for the use of the Senate. Passed February 27, 1919.