1618 ARBITRATION AGR —-NORWAY. Maxon 30, 1918.
- ‘“°*‘ “°· *9** Arbitration agreement between the United States and Norway extending
the duration of the convention of xipnl 4, 1908. Szgned at Waslmngton, March 30, 1918; ratijicatwbn advised by the Senate, April 30, 1918; ratiyied by the Presulent, July 1, 1918; ratgfied by Norway, May 14, 1918; ratyicationc exchanged at Washington., July 1, 1.918; proclaimed, July 12, 1918. Br rim Pnnsmnm or run Umrnn Smzrms or Ammmon. ‘ · A PROCLAMATION. N-¤¤i¢¤¤¤¤ With Whereas an Agreement between the United States of America `i>"£E»1.. and the Kingdom of Norway extendinhg for another period of tive V°L °‘l·*’·*°°‘· years the duration of the Arbitration onvention of pril 4, 1908, was concluded and signed b ‘ their resglective Plenipotentiaries at Washin ton, on the thirtietli day of arch, one thousand nine hundref and e` hteen, the original of which Agreement, being in the English andlgNorwegian languages, is word for word as follows: ¤¤¤¢¤¤>¤¤¢ Pwm The Government of the United Amerikas Forenede Staters States of America and the Gov- Regjering og Kongeriket No es ernment of the Kingdom of Regfering, som ¢nsker at bibs- Norway, being desirous of con- hol e for et igt tidsrum av fem tinuing for another period of aar den Vol gifts Konvention, five years the Arbitration Con- som blev avsluttet mellem dem vention concluded between them den 4de april 1908, hvilken i V¤1-=*·8.r~17'¤- on April 4, 1908, which by the henhold til den Avtale som blev terms of the Agreement signed undertegnet mellem dem den between them on Jime 16, 1913, 16de 1913, vil utl¢pe den will expire on June 24, 1918, 24de juni 1918, har bemyndiget P*¤¤*P¤°¤¤**·¤*·*· have authorized the undersigned, tmdertegnede nemlig: Robert to wit: Robert Lansing, Secre- Lansin , de Forenede Staters tary of State of the United statsseliretser, og H. H. Bryn, States, and H. H. Bryn, Envoy Norgzes overordentlige utsending Extraordinary and Minister Plem- og befuldmaegtigede minister i de potentiaréy of Norway to the Forenede Stater, til at avslutte `nited tates, to conclude the f¢lgende Avtale: following Agreement: Article I. Artikel I. "°”"°“**°” °* *908 The Convention of Arbitration Voldgifts Konventionen av 4de iixzrtreiileiisd tm lm of April 4, 1908, between the a ril 1908 mellem Amerikas Government of the United States Fgrenede Staters R `ering og of America and the Government Kongeriket Norges egilegjednv, of the Kingdom of Norway, hvilken i henhold til den Avtale which by the terms of the Agree— som blev undertegnet mellem dem ment signed between them on den 16de juni 1913, vil utlope June 16, 1913, will terminate on den 24de 'uni 1918, forlaenges June 24, 1918, is hereby extended herved og iorblir i kraft for et and continued in force for a derl` ere tidsrum av fem aar further period of live years from iis. 2·i§e juni 1918. June 24, 1918.