1636 CONVENTION-ITALY. AUeUs·r 24, 1918. inconsistent therewith, in the disposizione contraria del tratv°r "- ¥’·“5• treaty of February 26, 1871, or tate del 26 Febbrano _1871 0 di in any other treat between the o ° altro trattato vigente fra United States and yltaly. gE¤Stati Uniti e l’Ital1a. Article VII. Articolo VII. ,,§§f““°°“”““°* The resent Convention shall Il presents accordo ratifibe ratified by the President of cato dal Presidente degli Stati the United States of America. by Uniti d’America col parere e and with the advice and consent consenso del Senate d§li Stati of the Senate of the United States Uniti e da Sua Maest ·il Re and by His Majwty the of d’Italia, e le ratifiche saranno igaly, and the raizvficatiens all gccambigfe ia Washingtolp;1 0 lei exchanged at n or oma pi presto possi `e. D“”“°"· at Rome as soon as possi 1e.. It gresente accordo avra effetto shall come into operation on the alla data dello scambio delle date on which the ratifications are ratifiche e rimarra in vigore fine exchanged and shall remain in a sessanta giorni dope che una force until the expiration of sixty delle parti contraenti ahbia notidays after either of the contract- Ecato all’altra la fine di esso; ing parties shall have given notice allora ogni cittadino dell' uno 0 of termination to the other; dell’altro paese, arruolato anorma whereupon any citizen of either del presente accordo in servizio country incorporated into the militare dell’altro, sara oongedate military service of the other al pin presto possibile. under this Convention, shall be, · as soon as possible, discharged therefrom. Biznamm In witness whereof, the respec- In fede .di che, i rispettivi tive Plenipotentiaries have s` ed plenipotenziari hanno firmato la the present Convention andlglelve presente convenzione e vi hanno affixed thereto their seals. ap sto iloro sigilli. Done in duplicate at Washing- Fdtto a Washington in doppio ` ton the twenty-fourth da of esemplare il giorno venti quattro August in the year of our liord del mese di Agosto dell’anno del one thousand nine hundred and Signore mille nevecento diciotto. eighteen. [sun,.] Ronnnr Lmsmo. [sux,.] Macon: nr Cn1.1.nm: dgggfgmuw ¤· And whereas, the said Convention has been duly ratified on both ` parts, and the ratifications were exchanged in Washington and Rome, on lthe twelfth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and exg teen. _
- "*°°*=¤¤¤*·*°¤· N ow, therefore, be it known that I, Woodrow Wilson, President of
the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and evexiy article and clause thereof may be observed and fulfilled with good aith by the United States and the citizens thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. _ Done in the District of Columbia this eighteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hxmdred and [sun,.] eighteen, and of the Inde endence of the United States of America the one hundredp and forty-third. . Woonnow Wn.soN By the President: Ronmzr LA1vsn~ro, Secretary of State.