PROCLAMATIONS, 1917. 1647 should be classified and appraised by three commissioners as agricultural land, grazingcland, arid land and mineral land, the mineral land not to be a raise ; AND WHIEREAS the commissioners appointed for the purpose of making the classincations and appraisals in some cases designated and appraised lands as agricultural or vrazing which the United States Geoio `cal Survey classified as coal lands; ANE WHEREAS a number of homestead entries have been made for such lands, although the lands were not subject to such disposition when the entries were allowed; AND WHEREAS the Act of Congress approved February 27, "°‘~3°»P·°“~ 1917, entitled ‘ ‘An Act To authorize agricultura entries on surplus coal lands in Indian reservations", provides that restored surplus coal lands within such reservations may be classified, appraised and disposed of in the manner prescribed by law for the noncoal lands, the coal deposits to be reserved to the United States; AND WHEREAS the said Act of Maly 30, 1908, directed that gfggi, surplus lands within the Fort Peck In ian Reservation shall be ’ ' opened to settlement and entry by proclamation of the President: Now, therefore, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the m§$aQg‘;l*;}1*¤lbs°q;gLQ{¤ United States of America, by virtue of the power and authority claslrlei as mime; vested in me by the aforesaid acts of Congress do hereby prescribe, m“y°°p°’i°°t°°‘ proclaim and make known that the agricultural entries heretofore allowed for said coal lands classified an appraised as aforesaid, may be perfected by the respective entrymen, su ject to the provisions of the said act of February 27, 1917. If any such entry is canceled, the lands will be sub'ect to re-entry in the same manner. 'I`he said coal llands not heretofore entered under agricultural laws m1‘§&°'*j*“*¤* °¤**i°¤P* will not become subject to disposition hereunder. proclamation ` will hereafter issue prescribing the time when and the manner in which P•>**»P·166°»¤754- agricultural entries may be made for such lands. The Secret ary of the Interior is hereby authorized to make and pre- m§gg“*°°*°¤¤ °° M scrible such rules appl liegulatioéls gs may be necessary to carry this ` roc amation into orce an e ect. P IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be adixed. Done at the citiy of Washillrgton, this 21st day of March, in the year o our Lord ineteen Hlmdred and Seventeen and [snail] of the Independence of the United States, the One Hundred and Forty first. B h P _ I Woonnow WII.SON y the reslc ent: ROBERT Laxsme Secretary of State. Br run PRESIDENT or run Unrrnn Srarms or AMERICA Kem 2% 1917- A PROCLAMATION VVHEREAS an Executive Order dated February seventeenth, $@5 X“**°”' F°" nineteen hundred and twelve, excluded from the Crook National Preamble. Forest, Arizona, that part of the White Mountain Apache Indian V0, 36 P 2.,,., Resirvation includeg tliiereig by Procgamation of September twenty- ' ` sixt , nineteen hun re an ten; an WHEREAS it appears that the public good will be promoted by adding certain lands to the Crook National Forest, by excluding certain areas and withdrawing a portion thereof for classification, by providing for the disposition o that portion of the area hereby exc uded within the former Fort Grant Military Reservation under the law applicable to abandoned military reservations, and by