PRocL.»rMAT1oNs, 1917. 1655 separate United States Branches established pursuant to the laws of such States, and are now engaged in business under the supervision of the Insurance Departments thereof, with assets in the United States deposited with Insurance Departments or in the hands of resident trustees, citizens of the Unite States, for the protection of all policy- holders in the United States; AND WHEREAS, the interests of the citizens of the United States ‘in the protection afforded by such insurance are of great magnitude, so that it is deemed to be important that the agencies of such companies in the United States be permitted to continue in business; h _ Now, Tnnnnroan, 1, woedmw warm, rmsiatm, of the United .,.?.§z°;%% ¤..i&i§°&§:; States of America, by virtue of the powers vested in me as such, g°ug’,’§:§‘* ‘° °°¤°'¤“° hereb declare and proclaim that such branch establishments of Ger- ` man Insurance Companies now engaged in the transaction of business in the United States (pursuant to the laws of the several States are hereby authorized an permitted to continue the transaction of their business in accordance with the laws of such States in the same manner and to the same extent as though a state of war did not now R I ti exist; provided, however, that all funds of such establishments now °°t'° ,°°°' in the possession of their managers or agents, or which shall hereafter come into their possession, shall be subject to such rules and regulations concerning the payment and disposition thereof as shall be prescribed by the insurance supervising officials of the State in which the principal office of such establishment in the United States is located, but in no event shall any funds belongindg to or held for the benefit of such companies be transmitted outsi e of the United States nor be used as the basis for the establishment directly or indirectly of any credit within or outside of the United States to or for the benefit or use of the enemy or any of his allies without the permission of this Government. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this sixth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, [s1—:AL.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-flrst. Woomzow WILSON By the President: Romznr Laxsmo Secretary of State. Br rms Pansinnivr or ms Unrrsn Srnns. _ "*"’"·“’"· . A PROCLAMATION. WVHEREAS, the Act of Congress approved March 3, 1917 (Pub.R;g{§_,§§§n”°§,$ gfgén No, 336), provides: iiZiai§bI°°’iis1 That section three of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the ' p` ` disposal of certain lands in the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, North Dakota," approved August third, nineteen hundred and fourteen, be, and is hereby, so amended as to authorize the classincation and appraisal of unallotted lands in sections sixteen and thirty-six, containing coal and for such reason reserved by the terms of section _ _ one, Act of June Erst, nineteen hundred and ten (Thirty-sixth Stat» 38‘gL6§fj P~ *55; ‘°‘· utes at Large, page four hundred and Efty-five), pending provision , ` for their disposal by Congress; said lands when so classified and appraised to be subect to disposal under the laws applicable to other reserved coal lands within said former reservation.