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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/325

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1672 PROCLAMATIONS, 1917. ’“”°“·“""· BY rrm Pnnsmmrr or run `UNITED Srarns or Aunmca. A PROCLAMATION. l_§d*‘§1 *”’“‘°"Y ud Whereas a practice has existed for many years among the_ judges Pmiimle. of certain United States courts of suspending either the imposition or P°`”’ p‘ 1°°°‘ the execution of sentences whenever, in their judgment, the circumstances warranted it, which practice is illegal as has been held by the Supreme Court of the United States in a case entitled “Ex parte United States, petitioner," known as the Killits case, decided December 4, 1916; and Whereas the practice was widespread, and many thousands of persons are now at liberty under such suspensions, never having served any portion of the sentences duly authorized and require by the statutes; and Whereas many of these persons are leading blameless lives and have reestablished the ves in the confi ence of their fellow citizens, and it is believed that the enforcement of the law at this latg date would, in most instances, be productive of no good results; an Whereas the Supreme Court of the United States, in recognition of the necessity for meeting this situation, has stayed the mandate in the Killits case until the end of the present term, to wit, until about June 15, 1917: m*f,;g¤c*gdn8,jysl§p*ggg§ Now, therefore, be it known that I, Woodrow Wilson, President ag panama, etc., or of the United States of America, in consideration of the premises, bum S°“°°“ °°“’°S‘ divers, other good and sufficient reasons me thereunto moving, do hereby declare and grant a full amnesty and pardon to all persons under suspended sentences of United States courts liable to penalties as aforesaid, where the sentences imposed were less than the period between the date of imposition and June 15, 1917, and to all persons, defendants in said courts, in cases where pleas of guilty were entered or verdicts of guilty returned Bgrior to June 15, 1916, and in which no sentences have been impos . pr§,$§g§°*;°°cg‘gge°f? In all other cases of susdpension either of the imposition or the ma execution of sentence by judges of the United States courts occurring prior to December 4, 1916, the date of the decision in the Killits case, a respite of six months is hereby granted from June 15, 1917, in order that the facts and merits of the respective cases may be investigated and considered and appropriate action taken, where warranted, y wa; of executive clemency. In estimony Whereof I have hereunto signed my name and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed. Done in the District of Columbia this Fourteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL] seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and forty·Grst. Woomzow Winsor: By the President: Ronanr Liwsrxo Secretary of State. ’¤¤°*"·*°*’· BY mn Piznsmsxr or mn UNITED Srnns or Aumzioa A PROCLAMATION ` gyllgbggel *=*¤d¤· WHEREAS, the act of Congress approved October twentieth, ninev¤1.as,p§v4z. teen hundred and fourteen, entitled "An Act To provide for the leasing of coal lands in the Territory of Alaska, and for other purpeg6g,"