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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/328

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1674 1>RocLAMAr1oNs, 1917. ’““°”»“”"- Br mm Pansmnnr or run Umrnn Sryrns or Anmmca ’ A PROCLAMATION 1,°R,.,‘§’;,"gf°“ D°Y· WHEREAS, on the 18th da of May, A. D. 1917, the President of ?1’¤¤1¤bi¤· · the United States did issue a Proclamation calling upon all persons M"' I" *°°"‘ subject to revistration for military p1u·poses to register as provided by

    • ”"·1’·7°· the Act of Ccongress of May 18, 1917, entitled "An Act to authorize

tllie Ilyreswent to increase temporarily the Military Establishment of t e nit States." thANDh1WHEhREAS, in such Proclamation it was provided among 0 er t `ngs t at

  • ”“· P- ‘m “In the territories of Alaska, Hawaii and Porto Rico a day for

wstmtion will be named in a later Proclamation/’ ,,,{‘,§’,,Y,,§· d{,°";,,d°‘*" NO , THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the _ y r¤z¤· . . . . . ¤¤¤¤S· United States, for the pugmse of fixing the date for re§3tration m the Z$‘$i$1°".{’fDP°.€$i‘L ?§33g..§dh§{SBit?E%1€§ L`!} S°5$ZL’m*£ $$112% of regivstratioii, and I do hereby direct that on such day, between the liomsplf 7 A. M. and 9 M., allbmale persons subject to registration _ or mi `tary purposes, the same eing ,,,§§,'§‘§’“ "’q‘“'°d *° * * * "Those who shall have attained their twent{-first birthday and who shall not have attained their thirty-first irth— day on or before the day here named are required to register, ex- · cepting only officers and enlisted men of the Regular rmy, the Regular Army Reserve, the Officers’ Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the National Guard and National Guard Reserve recognized by the Militia Bureau of the War Depprtment, the Navy the Marine Corgi, the Coast Guard, and the aval Militia, Navai Reserve Force, arine Corps Reserve, and National Naval Volunteers recognized by the Navy Department:" _ _ do present themselves, for the purpose of registration for nulitarlyi purposes, at such places and to be registered by such officials in eac ilpunicgality as shall be designated and appointed by the Governor of orto ico. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington this 27th day of June one thou~ sand nine hundred and seventeen, and of the Independence [sean.] of the United States the one hundred and i'orty-fi1st. Woonaow Wusou By the President: Ronmzr Larxsmo, Secretary of State. ¥¤¤¤ 18.1917- Br rm: Pnmsmmrr or rm: Umrmn Srrarrzs or Anmmca A PROCLAMATION. Navslcpemtinzhisa WHEREAS the Act of Congress to su ly urgent defld i ` Hlr$1§.i»`ir$1i»i°°ds' N appropriations for the Military and Navalplgstablishments, lgplgrbsved Jnme fifteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen (Public number _ _ Twenty-three, Sixty-fifth Congress), contains the following provision; mg¤*'¤°1’1*Y 1<>==>¢·1¤¤· "Naval oraerating base, Hampton Roads, Virginia: he Presi- Am, p. ze:. dent is here y authorized and empowered to take over for the United States the immediate possession and title, including all easements, rights of way, riparian and other rights appurtenant thereto, and includ1ng all the rights and properties 0 railway, electric light, power, telephone, telegrap , water, and sewer companies, of the tract of and known as the Jamestown Expo-