rnocnamirrrons, ism. 1723 Br mm Pansmmrr or rim UNrrm> Srarns or Aimmca A PROCLAMATION . · WHEREAS an Executive Order dated September tenth, nineteen F§§g,°'*”_gu_ hundred and fourteen, directed tliatthe lands·inc1uded·’w1tlrin the Hu. ’ boundaries of the Zuni National Forest, Amzona,_and New Mexico, be P'°•¤"*°· trapsferred to and made a partpcf- the‘Manzano National Forest; WHEREAS it a pears that the follqmug" "° d "bed lands added to the Navajo Indian Reserve by Exéizutxvef l 1% of__November ninth, nineteen hundred and seven, and J anu t*denty-e1§hth, nineteen hundred and eight, should be excluded therefrom an added to mil ‘*—‘i—“d° i~}"*’iz° °f “t$ M§”ii“i’» }ii"l‘t‘&°§ F°3°§t °£’é’.‘?.f‘3¤ Sec 3 n .15 .,*:13 ., , an . ,‘ .1 W Q and SE { Sec. 32 Secs. 33 34 35 and 36; f · , IréT.é;N.,·Rég:`W., N. M. Ll., SE1} Sec. 24, NE { and S } Sec. 25, ·} . 26, s. 34, 35 an 36; an ’ ' WHEREAS it apjiiars that the public good will be promoted by excluding from the anzano National Forest certain areas the States of Arizona. and New Mexico, and withdrawing a portion thzirltiofl indNewbMe;:ico (Er Indian puixoses, and by the EL I§’.i.K'§.eE-’ 23a13°m.i by K'Z’§°lL'% It ct%§£'¤ ’“"“‘.ppm$2‘.i `é,,?e£.?§Z? v·=·~ ·» ¤·- thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen (38=Stat.,*1_13), entitled "An pctl to authorize the to pr§hyide[`_€im:;l$og;r for uppemng ' an snres reservaigl _' ;;i glo I Now, ae·a¤m,i1, woomzow as at uaaea *'“°""'·'- States of America, do hereby vacate the said Executive Orders of November ninth, nineteen hundred and seven and January twentiy;4 eighth, nineteen hundred and eight, in so far as they affect the above described areas, and by virtue of the power in me vested by WL ml the Act of Conggess approved Mag? txdkeighrpeen hupldred land ”'p° ninety-one (26 tat., 1095), entit " ct o re e tim erculture laws, and for other purploses", and also bg thepAct of Con- v°]'3°’p°3°° vress approved June fourth, eig teen hundred an ninetyjseyen (30 Stat., 11 at 34 and 36), entitled "An Act Making aippropriations for s}undryhcivi1 gxpenz-iles of the govlemnéent for the seal yea? ending . une t irtiet , cig teen him re an ninet —eight, an or other gurposes", do proclaim that the boundaries oly the Manzano National crest are here y changed to include the areas hereinabove described and indicated as additions on part two of the diagram hereto annexed ailid forming a part hereof,dand tc;excLu&1ie the areas indicated as e mmaticns on parts one an two o suc agram. The withdrawal for national forest p es made hereby shall, amgigmlwrmum as to all lands which are at this date l ppropriated under the public land laws or reserved for any blic purpose, be subject to, and shall not interfere with or defeat Eiga] rights under such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such public mpose of lands so reserved, so long as suc}; appropriation is legally maintained, or such reservatio mainsin office. And I dg iilso proclaimlthat the following described areas, excluded zm.I’i°°’¤¤'°l°•;a'Z-d xg from the Manzano National Forest by this proclamation, shall be, dmand they are hereby, withdrawn from sett ement, entry, sale or other disposition under the public land laws of the United States and set aside for the use and occupancy of the Zuni Indians and such other Indians as the Secretary of the Interior may see fit to