1728 PROCLAMATIONS, im. sition, the following described lands in the Territory of Alaska, in addition to those heretofore reserved, to wit: °°“°"·P“"'· Coal Leasing Block No. 7, as amended, of the Matanuska field, embracing the E} SE} Sec. 8, S} Sec. 9, SW} Sec. 10, NW} Sec._15, N}, SW} and N} SE } Sec. 16, T. 19 N., R. 3 E., Seward Meridian, containing 1280 acres. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE in the District of Columbia this 5th day of DECEMBER, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL.] seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States, the one hundred and forty-second. Woonnow WILSON, By the President: ` Ronnnr Lansme Secretary of State. p,.,,mb,,8,m7_ Br run Pnnsromzcr or rm: Unrrnn Srxms or Aumuca A PROCLAMATION u,m,q,,,,,_ WHEREAS, under and b virtue of an act of Congress entitled P¤¤¤¤*>*•· "An Act to provide further fiir the national security and defense by encouraging the production, conservin the supply, and controlling the distribution of food products and §uel," approved by the President on Augipst 10, 1917, it is provided in Section 15, among other things, as fo ows: f‘,';*“°°'Y28¥2§'°"'*°**· "Whenever the President shall find that limitation, regulation, °’ p` or prohibition of the·use of foods, fruits, food materials, or feeds in the production of malt or vinous liquors for beverage purposes, or that reduction of the alcoholic content of any such ma t or vinous liquor, is essential, in order to assure an adequate and continuous suprgg of food, or that the national securit_y and defense will be subserv thereby, he is authorized, from time to time, to prescribe and give public notice of the extent of the limitation, negxulation, prohibition, or reduction so necessitated. Whenever suc notice shall have been Even and shall remain unrevoked, no person shall, after a reasonab time prescribed in such notice, use any foods, fruits, food materials, or feeds in the production of malt or vinous liquors, or import any such liquors except under license issued by the President and in compliance with rules and regulations determined by him governing the production and importation of such liquors and the alcoholic content thereof ;" mo!-i_¤i¢:g¤¤ 2: usp; V NOW, THEREFORE, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the uquoi and snmntuc Lnited States of America, by virtue of the powers conferred on me str;;1”zt1;);`he§%;x930· by said Act of Coirgress, do hereby find and determine that the national security an defense will be subserved by the limitation of the amount of foods, fruits, food materials and feeds used in the production of malt liquor, and b reduction of the alcoholic content of malt liquor produced in the llnited States. And by this proclamation I prescribe and give public notice that on and after January 1, 1918, the total amount of foods, fruits, food materials and feeds used by any person in the production of malt liquor shall not exceed seventy per cent (70%) of the average consumption of an such foods, fruits, food materials or feeds in the production of such malt liquor by such person during the riod from January 1, 1917 to January 1, 1818, the unit of time toll; fixed by regulation; and that on and after January 1, 1918, no malt liquor except ale and porter