Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/414

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1748 _ PnocLAMA*r1oNs, me. in such proclamation any article or articles mentioned in such proclamation except at such time or times, and under such regulagpn; or grderséaalnd subjlect to Sue}; limitatiqlns eiceptioncs as e residents prescribe, unf otherwise or ere yt e resident or b Congress: Provided, however, that no preference shall be given A n to tile ports of one State over those of another." m'p'1"1‘ And whereas the President has heretofore by proclamation dated November 28, 1917, declared certain imports in time of war unlawful, and the President now iinds that the public safety requires that such proclamation be amended and supplemented in respect to the articles Pr hw _ _ and countries hereinafter mentioned; u,,,,§,’,,,,,§§{},§$,,§f,'}E’,‘2,',Q§*,§Z NOW, THEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, PRESIDENT m°§,H?g;g§ ¤¤*°$S OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DO HEREBY PRO- mwmmmm speci- CLAIM to all whom it may concern that the fpublic safety requires ‘ that the followin articles, namely: all kinds o arms, guns ammuni- . g . . r . tion and explosives, machines for their manufacture or repair, component parts thereof, materials or ingredients used in their manufacture, and all articles necessary or_convenient for their use; all cpntrivaipiples for gr melans of tralifnsportation on land or m the water or au· mac esuse mt en- man acture or repair, component parts thetreof, materralslor ingiredientsls used in their manufacturei andhall ms mments artic es an anim necess or convenient or their use; all means of communication, toolsjirmplements, instruments, equipment, maps, pictures, papers and other articles, machines and documents necessarily or convenient for carrying on hostile o erations; all lands of ue], food, foodstuffs, fee , forage and clothing, and all articles and materials used in their manufacture; all chemicals, drpgs, dylestu1Es sind galnmng giaterilgs; cottonilwool, silk, flax, hemp, ]u e sis an other ersan man acturest ereo · all earths cla §l—?ft522“°§i¤3“’.i‘§a$‘}vZ£‘°ii.iH’°d“°kt*iDi.“"`“.’§‘°"" °Zi"°E" Imiii uml; · es s an man ac ures ereo ; gllesnog-§td;t>1e;u;pi1;;)aIl ;egei;ilble tprogligcts; all machinery, tools, , _ an ma eri necess or convemen for itlliieir néanufacture; mp1dical,a1ssprgical,a};aboratl>I’§ and sanitary sup es an equ1pment· a met miner min ils is d all_ derivatives and maniifactures thereof; paper pfilp, (bodkgrandmsill printed matter, and materials necessary and convenient for their manufacture; rubber,_gums, resins, tars and waxes, their products, derivatives and substitutes, and all articles containing them; wood and wood manufactures; coffee, cocoa, tea and spices; wines, spirits, ch§;d·j¢¤•r ¤r¤¢¤¤¤i¤· mineral waters land beverages; and all other articles of any kind w taltsoeveng a '1`}lLlOt, on and after the sixteenth day of February, (mums comm in ehyear _ ne ousand Nine Hundred and Eighteen, be imported mw dmgmhm qpltoht e Umteglgtates or its territorial possessions from Abyssima, ig anistan, ama, Argentina, AUSl}f1&-Hl1IlgB.1`§ Belgium, her p§lon1eséhppss€sions and protectorates, Bohvia, razil, Bulgaria, ina, _ 1 e, 0 ombra, Costa R1ca,_Cuba, Denmark, her colomes, pqueggioggrmgggoégecwrates, Domingzan Il£ep1t/iphc, Ecprador, Egyipt, _ » c _ 1 possessions an pro ec rates, erman , colonies, possessions,and protectorates, Great Britain, her colbniegl, ppspessflons apd protectorates, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Stgiiy, co oilnes, ptgssessions and yirotectorates, Japan, Liechten- Nepal i·hZ“§ea.`L’§§,'I,`d§“£i;°é[(Ei’§‘§?€; {§’,EE§’i§`i§“$§3°gr°1 Li°“’i“"’ ,_ » Y , , s ro ec ora es, trasrziixsr&;t;;;sa;’2‘;im&;O€2;2a;y~ PemipPsz$Of<¤· Salvador, San Marino, Serbia, Siani), S ain, h§r?,co1gr‘ii§s,,npfiisse;idhis and protectorates, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Uruguay, or Venezuela, except under hcense granted m_ accordance with regulations or orders and subject to such limitations and exceptions as have