Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/441

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 1773 United States towards all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of Germany or Austria Hungary of the_age of fourteen years and u — wards, who shall be within the United States and not actually naturahzed, shall be as follows: _All such natives, citizens, denizens or subjects of Germany or Aus- ,m§'°_{§s‘g‘§0§{{_G°m*°, tna-Hungary are enjoined to preserve the peace towards the United ¤!i·=¤= xainst viola- States and to refram from crime against the public safety, and from mm °' °l°`”‘ _ violating the laws of the United States and of the States and Territories thereof, and to refrain from actual hostilit or giving information, aid or comfort to the enemies of the United Slates, and to comply · strictly with the regulations which are hereby or which have been or may be from time to time promulgated by the President; and so lo d,}Q$.‘}‘;'},’f P°”“*”°¤· as theggsshall conduct themselves in accordance with law, they shii.§ be un turbed m the peaceful pursuit of their lives and occupations - and be accorded the consideration due to allpeaceful and ,law—abiding persons, except so far as restrictions may be necessary for their own Cmm , protection and for the safeg of the United States; and towards such keep t° of said persons as conduct emselves in accordance with law, all citizens of the United States are enjoined to preserve the peace and to treat them with all such friendliness as may e compatible with loyalty and alleggance to the United States. And _ of such natives, citizens, denizens or subjects of German ,,,Lf,°,,‘§,’,‘f,§ or Austria-Hu1§lary who fail to conduct themselves as so enjoined; ¤¤¤·1¤¤¢· in addition to other penalties prescribed by law, shall be liable to ` restraint, or to give security, or to remove anddepart from the United States in the manner prescn“bed by sections four thousand and sixty- ,,,£“7§;;%§§T ‘°°°·‘°"°· nine and four thousand and seventy of the Revised Statutes, and as , , prescribed in the regulations duly promulgated the President; And pursuant to the_ authority vested in me; hereby declare and ,,,'?&‘,,..,.,,"‘“"£ Rroclaim, as necessary m the premises and for the_public safety, that evgizbk *·;6;¤¤;·7*;¤· egulations 1 to 12 inclusive in the Proclamation issued by me under Pl" ’ °` date of April 6th, 1917, and Regulations 13 to 20 inclusive in the Proclamation issued by me under date of November 16th, 1917 shall be and they herebgr are extended to and declared ap licable to all natives, citizens, enizens or subjects of Germany, being females of the age of fourteen years and upwards, who shall be within the United tates and not actually naturalized; provided, that this 1J}•;g1•¤¤;&;w. extension of Regulation 4 of the Proclamation issued by me under ’°` ' date of April 6t , 1917 shall not become effective until such time as gnay be fixed and declared by the Attomey General of the United tates. And pursuant to the authority vested in me, I hereby declare and ¤»$1'i’.f.l$?¤°&r£ pgoclaim, as necessary in the premises and for the public safety, that ·‘”"· *’· "“°· egulations 1 to 3 inclusive in the Proclamation issued by me under date of December llth 1917 shall be and they are hereby extended to and declared applicable to all natives citizens, demzens or subjects of Austria-Hunga , being females of the age of fourteen years and upwards, who shg be within the United tates and not actually naturalized. _ _ This Proclamation and the Regulations herein contained shall ,,§,’§'jc°,§,:§_ l"""“’ extend and a ply to all land and water, continental or insular, m any wa within the urisdiction of the United States. 1yN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be afiixed. _ Done in the District of Columbia, this nmeteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [san.] eighteen, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and forty-second. Woomaow Wuson By the President: FRANK L. Pom; Acting Secretary of State.