PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 1779 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be ailixed. DONE in the District of Columbia this 14th day of Ma , in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL.] eighteen, and of the independence of the United States 0 America the one hundred and forty-second. Woonaow WILSON. By the President: Ronmrr Lrmsms Secretary of State. Br rm: Pansmmrr or rim Unrrmn Srums or Amzmca *¤¥*°·’°”~ A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, certain lands within the States of Virginia and West S*’“‘“§’,d°§§§$,F{°"}§_‘ V-1.\;§LDr 'a have been or may hereafter be acquired Ry the United States F(5:•T¤i¤¤BI¤-m un er authority of the Act of Congress approved arch first, nineteen ° ‘°°’°' ' hundred and eleven (Thirty-sixth tatutes at Large, page nine hundred and sixty-one), entitled "An Act to enable alnry State to coofperate with any other State or States, or with the nited States, or the protection of the watersheds of navigable streams, and to appoint a cdqmmissior; 1{pr th? acqiiisitfon of lands af? the purpose of conserving ena`a"t ona`a erivers"; · A
appgiigrs that the ggiblic ood will be promoted by .
reserviviig and setting zipart such lan as adiational Forest; N Fm, vb NO , THEREFO E, I, ,WOODROW WHSON, President of gmk md wise va. the United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested ¢**{§L“’p_,“ b section eleven of said Act and by Section twenty-four of the Act Ve1.$6.p im of, March three, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled, "An Act to repeal timberculture laws and for other purposes", do proclaim that there are hereby reserved and set apart as a public forest reservation all such lands within the area shown as the Shenandoah National Forest on the diagram attached hereto and made a part hereof, and that all lands therein which have been or may hereafter be acquired by the United States under authority of said Act of March first, nineteen hundred and eleven, shall be germanently reserved and administered as art of the Shenandoah ational Forest. IN WITNESS WHERE8F, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. _ Done in the District of Columbia this 16th day of May, m the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and exlhteen, [SEAL.] and dqgd the griidependencg of the United States e one un an ort —secon . Y Woonaow Wmsox By the President Ronmrr Larrsmc Secretary of State. Br rim Piuzsmmwcr or rm: Unrrrmi Srxrns or Aimmca A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, certain lands within the States of New Hamlpshire m?§“§,—£,,_j’“°°,i§TN§ and Maine have been or may hereafter be acquired by the nited wgxafgbh States under authority of the Act of Congress approved March first, vous, plea,