1390 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 120. 1918. Y°Y°°¤ ’°'*¤’°°· The name of Peyton Johnson, late of Company D, Thirtyyninth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at · the rate of $50 per month in hou of that he IS now receiving!}
- “°'°" P' G"` The name of Andrew P. Gruba h, late of Company C, e hundred
, and sixty-third Regiment Ohio olimteer Infantry, and pay _ in a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he IS now receiving. ’°“"E""" _The name of John Ervin, late of Company D, One hundred and mnety-seventh Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry,_and pay him a mm Q, Gm pension at the rate of $30 per month m lieu of that he is now receiving. v.Zi°‘°t““m8 °* "°*“‘ °ti‘,E°“fift“‘£ ,‘3Z.E.’°‘i§’”£ {lf%“e}°$§3°Sp12? un eer av an y o ‘ B month in lieu ogltlgait he is now receivincgj. mm ‘B°°‘ _The name of John S. Bell, late of mlpany B One hundred and ninety-third Regiment Pennsylvania Vo Infantry, pay him_a_pension at the rate of $40 per month m hou of that he IS now mcei ’°'""·"'°"** riiemgeeme eueim .1. weet, late of Company e, Fifteenth Regiment West Virginia Volunteer Infantry,_and pay a pension at the rate mm W V l of $16 per montihgnlligauvcaf that gage npw C Flf h ' ’ enameo o . an`e ate mpan 'teet Regiment West Virginia Volunteer lnfantigy, and payyhinl a penslion Hmyc Cham, att erateof$40permonthinlieuof thatheisnowreeei . ‘ The name of Henry C. Chane , late of Com any A, Juni<`ii:Igrtil1ery, and First Regiment Maryland Volunteer Artillery, and pay him_a_pension at the rate of $50 pm- month 111 lieu of that he is now H I “M_BmS_ receiving. The name of Randall M. Bates, late of Company D, One hundred and nineteenth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he is now receivmg. ”‘i"°·°““°’· The name of Bird 0. euiiey, late of cempeiiy D, Fettyeeeeea Retg3in;e;13ts0Missourit\];<uu1,1iteer gnfhintlry, and pay him a pension at the . ra o permon in euo t theisn wrece` . mmm B` mgm` The name of William B. Rogers, late ofoCompal1{.im§§ Forty-eighth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, and pay _ _ a pension at Oman Paym thefrllate <;fn$40g>2e;·b1;1rontli’m lieulogghag. Og is now R en eo on ayne,ao m ,°1; ‘ t Vermont Volunteer Infantry, and pay himpaimpensionuait theagiiltgmdf Archibald W Ma _ Mgvper month in lieu of that he is now receivin . d,,,_ · ’ _ e name_of Archibald W. Mayden, late of (gampany M, Sixteenth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the mum W- mma rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ‘ The name of Luther W. Holmes, late of Company A, Fourth ii.‘i.?$t2°£t¥l3h‘g.?“E‘tX$f§E‘t$”i‘§Et°&“£’£’tZ'3§' t.*’°" "‘“’e.*‘,.g*’°'“‘°“ “° An_ _ _ owrec , gigs}-- *’¤¤¤¤¤- Tl}° ¤"·m" . °lwE"°· L- Ph1u1PS» h€lPl8SS and depeciident child of David O. Philhawé late of Company I, Eighth Regiment New York Pmimi lV1¢&131teer Cav , and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per et..,.,.,,, Fm, The name of Simeon Flory, late of Com an C, One hundred and seventysixth Regiment Pennsylvania Dralledy Militia Infantry and pay him a pension at the rate of $32 per month in lieu of that ,he is mm my. now receiving. _ _ The name of James Riley, late of the United States Navy, and pay heimigkpgnsion at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now e . ’°"‘h W·L“·““’· The name of Josiah W. Lamb, late f Co I .S€c0 Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry), amln Iaogginsion rig; the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving.