PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 1785 llishect and duly registered in the United States on and after the date ereo . In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be afligred. Done in the District of Columbia. this twenty-fourth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [SEAL.] e' hteen and of the Independence of the United States ofgAmerica the one hundred and for%y-second. oomrow Winsor: By the President: Romiirr Lausmo Secretary of State. Br rim Pamsmmrr or rm: Umrmn Srxrms or Aumzrca. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, bysection one hrmdred and eleven of an Act of Con- G§:_j¤¤ N ¤¢i¤¤¤1 gress entitled "An Act for making further and more effectual provi- Prambk. sion for the national defense, and for other purposes", approved by ¤::_°°“°“" ““°‘°"“' the President on the third day of June, nineteen hundred and seven- V°'- ’°·l>·m- teen, it is provided that when Congress shall have authorized the use of the armed land forces of the United States, for any urpose requiring the use of troo in excess of those of the Regngar Armg, the President may draflis into the service of the United tates, to serve therein for the period of the war unless sooner discharged, an or all members of the National Guard; and {VHZEREAS, by an Act of Congress entitled "An Act to authorize ·""‘·P·"· the President to increase tem oraril the military establishment of the United States" , approved hy the President on the eighteenth day of May, nineteen him red and seventeen, it is rovided ‘ that in view of the existing emergency, which demands the raisin of troops in addition to those now available, the President be, auf he is hereby authorized * * * to draft into the military service of the United States, organize, and officer, in accordance with the provisions of section one hundred and eleven of said national defense act * * * any or all members of the National Guard and of the National Guard Reserves, and said members so drafted into the military service of the United States shall serve therein for the period of the existing emergency, unless sooner discharged "; NOW, HEREFORE, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the 0,H‘,;6'@§',;_{°'*('}{:g”,*,{ United States of America, by virtue of the powers conferred upon c¤¤1:;l<H¤¢¤¤¤M<>•J¤¤• me by the said Acts of Congress, do hereby draft into the military I' & service of the United States, to serve therein for the period of the existing, emergency unless sooner discharged, as of and rom the first day of une, nineteen hundred and eighteen, all members of the First and Second Regiments of Infantry of the National Guard of the Territo of Hawaii and all members of the medical personnel of said Nationiil Guard lawfully attached to said regiments. All persons hereby drafted shall on and from the first day of June ,,,“§",g,,% nineteen hundred and eighteen, stand discharged from the militia, Amyknm and, in accordance with the provisions of said Act of May eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, shall on and from said date .be subject to the laws and regulations governing the Regular Army, except as to promotions, so far as such laws and regulations are applicable to persons whose rmanent retention in the military iervice on the active or retiredw list is not contemplated by existing aw.