1392 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 120. 1918. D¤'*¤ ¥°Q¤i¤¤¤Y· The name of David McQuinney, late of Compggy G, eighty-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay a_pension at the www umn rate of $40 per month m heu of that he is now receivmg. _ mm. i °y` The name of Wilham Mooneyham, late of the Eighty-hrst Regiment Hlinois Volimteer Infantry: and pay hun a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that e IS now receivmig. _ "“"’“°“'*"°· The name of James Skrme, late of the mted States Navy, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in hen of that he 1S now receiving. _ _ ’°'“‘ R°“"°“· The name of John Routien, late of Company F,_ Third Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, pay him a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he IS now receiving. _ _ ””*°‘* ‘“"**· The name er Ewen Walters, late er Company F, nah Regiment Illinois Volunteer (lavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $40 (mm W Hum per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ _ ` The name of George W. Horton, late of Company B, Third Reggment New Jersey Vo unteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $36 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. N°°°° °‘ mm The name of Nelson G. Mills, late of Company D, Seventieth Regi— ment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, an_d pay him·_a pension at the rate zmmh S No of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. up ”' The name of Zedelnah Siigpleton, late of Company A, Eighteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer antry, and pay him a pension at the mb rate of $30 per month in heu of that he is now receivi§. ’ “The name of Timothy Kelle , late of Com any , Sixty-second Regiment New York Vo unteer Infantry, and (lhmpany A, Twentieth Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, and pay him a pension at the rate _ of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. mtu, K,,,,ck_ The name of Edward Van Kleeck, late of Company A, Second Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at mmm in the rate of $24 fper month._ Jean Devine. The name o John Devme, late of Company E, Forty-third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of Tmdm www $30 r month in lieu of that e is now receiving. ' The) name of Theodore Wilkins, late of Company A, Ninth Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate Charm A. mum. of $36 per month in lieu of that he is now reeeiving. · ' The name of Charles A. Tucker, late of Com any K, Thirty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and paylhim a pension at the ,0Swh L_ Kmgm rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receivin . The name of Joseph L. Kiggore, late of Com any D, I‘ourth Re '~ ment Delaware Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at tile um mmm rate of $50 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ` The name of Morris Lincoln, late of Company K, One hundred and thirtieth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infant , and pay him a pension mm B_ Taylm at the rate o $30 per month in lieu of thatrlie is now receiving. The name of James B. Ta lor, late of Company F, Thirty-fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Ihfant , and pay him a pension at the Hugh B_ Suda, rate of $30 per month in lieu of thatilhe is now receiving. The name of H h S. Stanley, late of Company F Fifteenth Regiment Illinois Vlhiinteer Infant , and pay him a penhion at the Cham W A RW rate of $24 per month in lieu of thafihe is now receiving. mm. ‘ The name of Charles W. A. Reynolds, late of Company I One hundred and fortieth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry and pay lum_a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now reameenniee. °°¥§lg· f X H 1 e name 0 I mos a es, late of Coman . - ‘- ment N ew York Volunteer Cavalry, and pa? lIZ?lIHT¥§;IYS3)I1Ilt8I¥`$»%1B mm L_ wm, rate of $50 per month in l1eu of that he is now receiving. The name of George ‘L. Wells, late of Company A, One hundred and seventy-eighth Regiment Oluo W olunteer nfantry, and pay him