PROCLAMZATIONS, 1918. 1805 defense; PROVIDED, That if such property can not be procured by purchase, then the President is authorized and empowered to take over for the United States the immediate possession and title thereof. If any such roperty shall be taken over as aforesaid, the United States shall make just compensation therefor to be determined by the President. Upon the taking over of said property by the President, as aforesaid, the title to all such property so taken over shall immediately vest in the United States: PROVIDED FURTHER, That section three hundred and fift - five of the Revised Statutes of the United States shall not apply to silnyhexpenditures hereirgl or hereafter authorized in connection witteroertacuire." · Now, Therelbrg I, PVOCDROW WILSON, President of the United ¤rIiZ°¢?§t%2°g¥i¤°;i;;¤°? States of America, pursuant to the authority vested in me by the said §{}§°{{·§,§'§'u‘fg€“A,Q,‘;{,$ Act of Congress approved Mar·ch 28, 1918, do hereby determine and ¤¤¤0¤¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤- declare that the acquisition of title to the foregoing docks, piers, warehouses, wharves, and terminal uipment and facilities, is necessary for the National securit and dgfiense, and I do hereby take over for the United States of Xmerica the immediate ossession and title thereof, including all leaseholds, easements, riggts of way, riparian rights and other rights, estates and interests therein or appurtenant . thereto. Ccmpmmm to be Just compensation for the property hereby taken over will be here- pam. after determined and aid. ‘°""* l’· 19*** IN WITNESS W'§EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done in the District of Columbia this twenty-eighth da of Jrme, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, and og the Inde- [smm.] pendence of the United States, one hundred and forty-two. Woomzow WHJSON By the President: Ronmnr LANSING Secretary of State. Br Tru: Pansrnnxr or rm: U1~:rrm> Srarns or Airnmca A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, it appears that the public good will be promoted by ai?'°§°Z»§°iil`ii¤i adding certain lands within the State of Utah to the Dude National "‘;;°mb,9 Forest and by excluding certain areas therefrom, within the States ` of Nevada and Utah, and restoringlthe public lands in such excluded V0] 39 Us area in a manner authorized by the Act of Congress a proved Sep- ’p` ` tember thirtieth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, entitlled "An Act To authorize the President to rovide a method for opening lands restored from reservation or wigndrawal, and for other purposes"; Now, therefore, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the United m°dm°d' States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested lay the Act of °l` 26’ p' lm Congress approved {arch third, eighteen hundred an ninety-one (26 Stat., 1095), entitled "An Act To repeal timber—culture laws and V I 30 36 for other purposes", and also by the Act of Congress approved June °` ’p` ' fourth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven (30 Stat., 11 at 34 and 36), entitled “An Act Making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal vear ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-e`¤·ht, and for other pm·poses", do proclaim that the boundaries of the1¤Dixie National Forest are hereby ch ved to include the areas indicated as additions on the diagrauiinliereto annexed and forming a part hereof and to exclude the areas indicated thereon as eliminations.