Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/492

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 1817 sold, together with number and species and whether sold alive or dead; and the date of each transaction. A Written report correctly setting forth this information shall be furnished the Secretary during the month of January next following the issuance of the permit. _ _ 6. A permittee shall at all reasonable hours allow any authorized ml',§EY°°‘°“ '°q‘“'* employee of the United States Department of Agriculture to enter and inspect the premises where operations are being carried on under this regulation and to inspect the books and records of such permittee relating thereto. _ _ 7. Permits issued under this Egulation shall be valid only during D°"t’°° °fp°”°"" the calendar year of issue, sh not be transferable, and may be ' revoked by the Secretary, if the permittee violates any of the provisions of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act or of the regulations thereunder. 8. A erson eng ed in the ro ation of m1gr` atory waterfow1ptE§'ftZi°”°ppl"‘"‘f°' on the Idate on which these riiguligtgons become effective will be allowed until September 30, 1918, to a ply for the permit required by this regulation, but he shall not talie any migratory waterfowl without a permit. REGULATION 9.——PERMITS TO COLLECT MIGRATORY S“°“““°°°“°°“°“‘· BIRDS FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES. A person may take in any manner and at any time mi atory suiliiiiriiiuiléiiarbig birds and their nests and eggs for scientific purposes when authorized ‘“‘,€§fg p_ lm by a. permit issued by the ecretary, whic permit shall be carried ' . on his ygerson when he is collecting specimens thereunder and shall be exhr ited to any person requesting to see the same. Application for a permit must be addressed to the Secretary of ,,€§§'{,‘}‘§'g',!,’cu§‘§uQ°§Y' Agriculture, Washington, D. C., and must contain the following in ormation: Name and address of applicant and name of State, Territory, or District in which specimens are proposed to be taken and the purpose for which the are intended. Each application shall be accompanied by certifibates from two well-known ornithologists that the applicant is a fit person to be entrusted with a ermit. , _ P The ermit will authorize the holder thereof to possess, btéy, "°°°°""""“"‘ sell, anti) transport in any mamrer and at any time migratory bir s, parts thereof, and their nests and eggs for scientific {purposes. Public museums, zoological parks and societies, and pu lic scientific and educational institutions may possess, buy, sell, and transport in ang manner and at any time migratory birds and parts thereof, an their nests and jpg?. for scientific purposes without a permit, but no specimens sh e taken without a permit. Permits shall be valid onl durin the calendar year of issue, m%“`•“°¤·°’°··°‘P”‘ shall not be transferable, and? shall ge revocable in the discretion ` of the Seeretar . A rson holdin a permit shall report to the Secretary on or before tliilnuary 10 foliwing its expiration the number of skins, nests or eggs of each species collected, bought, sold or transported. _ _ Eve ackage in which m1gr` ator · birds or their nests or eggs are °‘P“’*’g°" trans Ioyrtleid shall have clear y ami conspicuously marked on the Muna outsitlle thereof the name and address of the sender, the number of the permit in every case when a permit is required, the name and address of the consignee, a statement that it contains specimens of birds, their nests, or eggs for scientific purposes, and, whenever such a package is transported or offered for transportation from the Dominion of Canada into the United States or from the United States into the Dominion of Canada, an accurate statement of the contents.