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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/506

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unincorporated body of individuals, or corporation, or body politic.

And Whereas, other provisions relating to departure from and entry mto the United States are contained in Section 3, sub-section Ame PP- 412. M1- (b), of the Trading with the Enemy Act, approved October 6, 1917, and in Section four thousand and sixty-seven of the Revised Statmtes, ,,,{*5§;;°;’8°§j "’“"“”°· as amended by the Act of April 16, 1918, and Sections four thousand and sixty-eight four thousand and sixty-nine, and four thousand and A¤¢?1gp. ww, mc, seventy of e Revised Statutes, and in the regulations ribed in 1729* I ‘ the President’s Proclamations of April 6, 1917, Novemli):Sl:6, 1917, December 11, 1917 and April 19, 1918;

And Whereas, the Act of May 20, 1918, authorizes me to 4¤¢¢.1>-¤¤¤· coordinate and consolidate executive agencies and bureaus in the interest of economy and more efficient concentration of the Government;

Now, Therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the u.,‘§,°°*°,f$,‘}" ""'2 United States of America, acting under and b virtue of the aforesaid Umm $**5::***- authority vested in me, do hereby find ang publicly proclaim and declare that the public safety that restrictions and prohibitions in addition to thoseegrovi ed otherwise than b the Act of May 22, 1918, above mention , shall be imposed upon tlie departure of persons from and their entry into the United States; and make the following orders thereunder:

1. No citizen of the United States shall receive a pxassport entitling “"P°'”‘°°“*'°'”- him to leave or enter the United States, unles it s all aflirmatively ap ar that there are adequate reasons for such departure or entry eghniigtjhazosiuch departure or entry is not prejudicial to the interests of e ni States.

2. No alien shall receivpupermission to depart from or enter the P°"'“"°'°°""‘ United States unless it sh affirmatively appear that there is reasonable necessity for such departure or ent? and that such departure or entry is not prejudicial to the interests o the United States.

3. T e provisions of this proclamation and the rules and regulations _,‘§§g_"”“· °*°·· ¤°' promulgated in pursuance hereof, shall not be held to suslpend or supersede in any respect, except as herein expqressly provided, the President’s Proclamations of April 6, 1917, ovember 16, 1917 December 11, 1917, and April 19, 1918, above referred to; nor shall °“°°’° °‘°"“‘°°· Iaunlything contained herein e construed to suspend or_supersede any es or regulations issued under the Chinese Exclusion law or the !¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤¤•v=· immigration laws except as herein expressly provided; but the provisions hereof shall, subject to the provisos above mentioned, be regarded as additional to such rules and regulations. Compliance with this Proclamation and the miles and r§ulations promulgated in pursuance hereof shall not exempt any in vidual from the duty of complying with an statute, proclamation, order, rule, or regulatioiis got ilgefegred toliere}in.S°c f S h Hi hl h mm 8*

4. ereyes` atete retaryo tateasteoci wo *·¤¤•¤¤¤ shall grant, or in irglilose name shall be granted, rmimion to aliens '°iii»i:i§t4iztl` to depart from or enter the United States; I IOBKID sections 25, 26, and 27 of the Executive Order of October 12, 1917, vesting in the Secretary of State the administration of the provisions of Section 3, _ sub-section (b), of the Trading with the Enemy Act; I transfer to ,,§,,"'§,§P·‘°5°· ""· the Secretary of State the executive administration of Regulations 9 and 10 of the Presidents Proclamation of April 6 1917, 0 Regulation 15 of the President/s Proclamation of November 16, 1917, and of Regulations 1 and 2 of the President’s Proclamation of December 11, 1917, and the executive administration of the aforesaid regulations as extended by the President's Proclamation of April 19, 1918, said executive administration heretofore having been delegated to the Attorney General under dates of April 6, 1917, Novem er 16 1917, December 11, 1917, and April 19 1918. The Rulesaud Reqiilations Am M made by the Secretary o the Treasury as authorized by tle II,