PROCLALIATIONS, 1918. 1845 prescribe the terms and conditions upon which any such producer shall be entitled to the benefits of such aranty." Now rnnnnrona, 1, woonnow wiilson, President of the N§i‘i“rt§I.°§d...%°S"‘.%’; United States, by virtue of the powers conferred u on me by said ,‘;,'*,}°°g,{§g*¤·i¤°<i for Act of Congress, and especially by section 14 thereof? do hereby find jira, p. ms. that an emergency exists regluiring stimulation of the production of wheat, and that it is essenti that the roducers of wheat produced within the United States shall have the benefits of the guarantee provided for in said section; and, in order to make effective the guarantee by Congress for the crop of nineteen hundred and nineteen and to assure such producers a reasonable profit, I do hereby determine and _ fix, and give public notice of reasonable guaranteed prices for No. 1 m;`il$_°t d°”g°°t°d Northern Spring wheat and its equivalents at the respective principal - primary markets as follows, to-wit: New York, New York, Two Dollars and Thirty-nine and a half Cents ($2.39 1/2) per bushel. Philadel hia, Penns lvania, Two Dollars and Thirty-nine Cents ($2.39g per bushel? Baltimore, Maryland, Two Dollars and Thirty-eight and Threequarter Cents ($2.38 3/4)'p;r bushel. Newport News, Virginia, 0 Dollars and Thirty-eight and Three-quarter Cents ($2.38 3/4) per bushel. · Duluth, Minnesota, Two Dollars and Twenty-two and one-half Cents ($2.22 1/2) per bushel. Minnea lis, Minnesota, Two Dollars and Twenty-one and onehalf guts ($2.21 1/2) per bushel. Chicagxoa Illinois, Two Dollars and Twenty-six Cents ($2.26) per us e . St. Louis, Missouri, Two Dollars and Twenty-four Cents ($2.24) per bushel. Kansas City? Missouri, Two Dollars and Eighteen Cents ($2.18) r bus ie . Orii;hp,lNebraska, Two Dollars and Eighteen Cents ($2.18) per bus ie . New Orleans, Louisiana, Two Dollars and Twenty-eight Cents ($2.28) per bushel. Galveston, Texas, Two Dollars and Twenty-eight Cents ($2.28) per bushel. Tacoma, Washi.ngton, Two Dollars and Twenty (`ents ($2.20) per bushel. Seattlg, :Vashington, Two Dollars and Twenty Cents ($2.20) per bus e . Polztlalpd, Oregon, Two Dollars and Twenty Cents ($2.20) per us e . As}t)orila,l Oregon, Two Dollars and Twenty Cents ($2.20) per us e . San Francisco, California, Two Dollars and Twenty Cents ($2.20) er bushel. Los Angellis, California, Two Dollars and Twenty Cents ($2.20) er bushel. Salt Lake City, Utah, Two Dollars ($2.00) per bushel. Great Falls, Montana, 'l‘wo Dollars ($2.00) per bushel. Pocatello, Idaho, Two Dollars ($2.00) per bushel. Spokane, YVashington, Two Dollars ($2.00) per bushel. and that the guaranteed price for the other grades established under other mach the United States Grain Standards Act approved August 11, 1916, Vol.39,p-482 based on said price for N0. 1 Northern Spring wheat at the rsspectiye principal primary markets of the United States above mentioned, will assure the producers of wheat produced within the United States a reasonable profit; the guaranteed prices in the principal primary