1858 1>nooLAMA·r10Ns, 1918. That in the case of temporary absence from actual place of legal residence of any person liable to registration as provided herein, such registration may be made by mail under regulations to be Ummm me prescribed by the President. * _ * * _ _ _ ma, Pqelilgml we Sec. 6. That the President is hereby authorized to utilize the S°j;“°Q_“‘§·°*°· service of any or all departments and any or all officers or agkents of ' ` the United States and of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, and subdivisions thereof, in the execution of this Act, and all officers and agents of the United States and of the several Duty compulsory gt:i.tesi)Territp1ri?i and subdévisionstcdthereof, and of1thedDistrict of ' oumia,an 1sonses` a ora inte nmerre a- tions prescribed byptihe Presidd§11t1, whether lsiiiih appointmentsgulare made by the President himself or by the governor or other officer of any State or Territory, to perform any duty in the execution of this Authority Nutmeg Act are hereby r uired to perform such duty as the President shall order or direct, ahil all such officers and agents and persons so designated or appointed shall hereby have full authority for all acts done gy them gi; execnlrtéion of this Apthlg ?e directécgn of the President. rrespon ence in thexecution o ct may carried in enalt °°°°°°°d°°“°d° envelopes bearing the frank of the War Department. An Ppersoh charged as herein provided with the duty of carrying into ehect any of the provisions of this Act or the regulations made or directions given thereimder who shall fail or neglect to perform such duty, and any person charged with such duty or having and exercis` any authority under said Act, regulations, or directions who shallmgiowingly make or be a party to e making of any or incorrect registration, physical examination, exemption, enlistment, enrollment or muster; and any person who shall make or be a arty to the making of anyffalse statelment or (£l2»l.H.C8lJ8_8·8 to (pho gtness or liability o or any other rson or service un er the rovisions of this Act, or regulations mgde by the President thereunlder, or otherwise ev_ades or aids another evade the requirements of this Act or of hmghmm said regulations, or who, in mlyhmanner, shall fail or neglect fully to perform any duty required of in the execution of this Act, s all, if not subject to military law, be guiltgjof a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in the district court of the nited States having `urisdiction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year, or, if subject to military law, shall be tried by court—martial and sutilLt§Bu§:'lr1I_p1t_E1I§ish1nent asha ccliurt-néartial may direct. ,4m,p.1s4o. ,on the t irt — rst da o An st one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, the Presidentyof the§lni’ted States did issue a Proclamation calling u on all persons subject to registration in the several States and in the District of Columbia to register as provided b the aforesaid Act of Congress; An:r,p.1842. AND WPIEREAS, in such Proclamation it was provided among other things that "A day or days for re istration in the Territories of Alaska, Hawaii, and orto Rico will be named in a later proclamation;" i 0¢1¤b¤1'i"i» 191% day Now, therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United tiiiigeiiasdayxormglr States, for the purpose of fixing the date for registration in the Territory of Hawaii, do hereby set, fix, and establish Saturday, the twenty-sixth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, as the dav of registration, and I do hereb direct that on such day between the hours of 7 a. m. and 9 . m. all male persons herein made subject to registration do present tihemselves for the purpose of registration for militaay purposes at such places and to be registered by such (persons or o cials in such areas as shall be designated or __ appointe by the Governor of the Territo of Hawaii. cQ,§d¤11fpm11;°§;¤°gg§é And I do call upon the Governor of l·I§waii and all members of meiaw. Local Boards in Hawaii and agents thereof appointed under the pro-