PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 19 (67) Allgemeine Deutsche Credit Anstalt, of Leipzig, Germany. (68) Eugenie Krause, of Frankfurt, Germany. (69) Deutsche Bank, of Leipz` , Germany. (70) Ludwig Kick, of Lindau,l%erman . (71) Kati Thielman, of Scharfenberg, Host Gruben, Schlesien (72) Dr. Alfred Ackermann, of Leipzig, Germany. (73) Marie Ackermann, of Leipzig, Germany. (74) Max Beck, of Lei zig, Germany. (75) Carl Beckman, ofpLe1pzi , Germany. (76) Robert Blank, of Elberfgld, Germany. (77) Leonie Doflein, of Freiburgé Germany (78) Victor Dubois, of Leipzig, lagwitz, Germany. (79) Ludwig Durbig, of Munich, Germany. (80) Paul 'chenberg, of Gera, Reuss, Germany. (81) G. Erben Franz, of Greiz, Germany. (82) Wilhelm Friess, of Leipzig, Germany. (83) Arno Gimm, of Leipzig, Germany. (84) Marie Therese Gertru Grosch, of Bautzen, Germany. (85) Albert Gunnel, of Leipzig, German . (86) Dr. Ernest C. Hartwig, of Germunden, Germany. (87) Gustav Harz, of Leipzig, Germany. (88) Helene Hecker, of Leipzig, Germany. ” (89) Carl Heyligenstaedt, of Leipzig, Germany. (90) Elise Haas, of Greiz, Germany. (91) Dera Meta Antoinie Haas, of Greiz, Germany. (92) Emma Huth, of Leipzig, Germany. (93) Otto J asler, of Gera, Reuse, Germany. · (94) Elizabe Murschner, of Greiz, Germany. (95) Dr. Kurt Kuntze, of Leipzig, Germany. (96) Chas. de Liagre, of Leipzig, Germany. (97) R. Liebeck, of Leipzig, Germany. (98) R. Liebetrau, of Lap? Germany. (99) Martina von Hoffman `mburger, of Leipzig, Germany. (100) Dr. W. Limb er, of Leipzig, Germany. (101) Hildegard Elizuaieth Lohnmann, of Dresden, Germany. (102) Emil Muller, of Meerane, Germany. (103) O. Moench, of Leipgf, German . (104) Alice Moslinger, 0 annheim, Germany. (105) Meyer & Company, of Leipzig, Germany. (106) Emma Meinhardi, of Leer Ostfriesland, Germanv. (107) F riedr. Piitzmann, of Loschwitz, Germany. (108) Elizabeth Piitzmami, of Loschwitz, Germany. (109) Franz Edgar von Penzig, of Voslau, Austria. (110) Julie Pau ssen of Leipzig Germany. (111) M. Pilgram, oi? Zehlendori, Wannseebahm, Germany. (112) Bertha Rossle, of Munich, Germany. (113) Dr. R. Rossle, of Jena, Germany. (114) G. Stadrat Randohr, of Leipzi , Germany. (115) Jos. Rudolph, of Gera, Reuss, Germany. (1 16) Martha Elizabeth Roeder, of Charlottenburg, Germany. (117) Ella Stoehr, of Legpzig, Germany. (118) Kathe Stoehr, of isen Bach, Germany. (119) Paul Stoehr, of Weimar, Germany. (120) Carl Sieglitz, of Gera, Reuss, Germany. (121) R. Schumann, of Steglitz, Berlin, Germany. (122) Bruno Schulze, of Leipzi , Germany}; (123) Celestine Stroh, of Franlgurt, a/M rmany (124) Anna Thieme, of Leipzig, Germany. (125) Dr. Ulrich Thieme, of Leipzigi, Germany. (126) Baldwin Teichmann, of Dres en, Germany.