rnocnaiuzrrous, 1918. 1903 The aforesaid individuals and classes or bodies of individuals, numbered 144 to 152, both inclusive, being the owners and/or holders of certain shares of the capital stock of the American Metal Com ani, Limited, a corporation under the laws of the State of New Yer , with its plrincipal office at 61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. (153) icolaus B. Jungeblut, of Groningen, Holland; e.g§§.°§,“l,N.(i?°°°¤° (154) Max Kypke, residence unknown; (155) Adolph ohl, of Germany; (156) Hans Amold, of Germany; (157) Alfred Urbach, of Germany; (158) Otto Urbach of Austria; (159) Max Asch, of Germany; The aforesaid individuals and classes or bodies of individuals, numbered 153 to 159, both inclusive being the owners and/or holders of certain shares of the capital stock of eneral Ceramics Company, a corporation under the laws of the State of New Jersey, with rts principal office at 50 Church Street, New York, N. Y.; (160) Richard Emil Golde, of Gera Germany; agiii-`i¤igP°t°cli»i¤l{,:q`i° (161) Ernest Alfred Golde, of Gera, Germany; ny. ’ The aforesaid individuals, numbered 160 and 161 beigfhe owners and/or holders of certain shares of the capital stock of lde Patent Manufacturing Complany, Incorporated, a corporation under the laws of the State of ew York, with its principal onioe at 509 West 562h Sgrelelt, Nev]; York, lg.SY. Dr mgm 162 enry enger, o tut art, y; · (163) William Benger, of Stuttgtgart, German ; ;°iiii°?<·f- cm- (164) William Benger Soehne, of Stuttgart, Germany; _ _ The aforesaid individuals and classes 01* bodies of mdivrduals, numbered 162 to 164 both inclusive, being the owners and/or holders of certain shares of the capital stock of Dr. Jaeger’s Sanitary Woolen System Company, a oo ration under the laws of the State of New §o%r, with its principiilooffice at 395 Fourth Avenue, New York, (165) M. S. Elias of Hamburg Germany; “·,?,;,§“*§; {{· I"' The aforesaid individual, numbered 165, beiuidthe owner and/or mm ' holder of certain shares of the capital stock of . S. Elias, Jr. Incorporated, a corporation under the laws of the State of New York, wit its pgncipxall office at 127 West 26th Street, New York, N. Y. (166) x `owitsch, of Leipzig, Germany; ,,,§;,€§“I‘;§f[“I$Y'»R°°”' (167) H. Halberstam, of Leipzig, Germany; _ The aforesaid individuals, numbered 166 and 167, being the owners and/or holders of certain shares of the capital stock of (168) I. Ariowitsch & Compqany, Inc., a corporation under the laws of the State of ew York, with its principal office at 104 West 27th Street, New York, N. Y. _ (169) The heirs, {personal repplesentatives and distributees of the N?"`;!f’*" & °°“°““’· Estate o Hirsh W. chs, of Leipzig, Germany; _ The aforesaid individuals and classes or bodies of individuals, numbered 169,‘bein the owners and/or holders of certam shares of the capital stock of Fuchs & Company, a corporation under the laws of the State of ievlvl York, with its principal office at 144 West 27th Street, New or , . Y. . _ (170) Leo Wreschner, of Frankfurt on the Main Germany; (171) Nathan Sondheimer, of Frankfurt on the Main, Germany; ¤=•<r N- · (172) Albert Sondheimer, of Frankfurt on the Main, Germany; (173) Ludwig Beers, of Frankfurt on the Main, Germany; (174) Emil Beers, of Frankfurt on the Main, Germany; _ (175) Beer-Sondheimer & Company, of Frankfurt on the Main, Germany;