1912 Pnoonimnrrons, 1918. D•°°’¤"°’ ’»“’*8· Br rrm Prmsromrr or rm: Uurrnn Srrrvrrzs or Aunmca, A PROCLAMATION. 2* · M°"r N- ’·· WHEREAS, the Act of Congress approved October 6, 1917 mP§‘¤ii¥§i:um` (Public No. 62-65th Con s) as amended by_ the act of July 1, 1918 (Public No. 182—65thHCSongress) to authorize the Secretary of _ the Navy to provide for the acqiusition of an Air Station site for the t,§§f““*°” °“"“°““‘ United States Navy, provides as follows: _ AM. p- 34+ "That the Secretary of the Navy, be and is hereby authorized to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, including all easements, riparian and other rights atppurtenant thereto, for use for naval urposes, the tract of lan situate at Cape May, New Jersey, living between Princeton and Kansas Avenues,_ and the water front and Cape May Avenue, comprising, exclusive of Pennsylvania Avenue, which intersects the tract and is to remain a public thorofare, approximately fifty-seven and seventy-three one hundredths acres, or such enlarged area for which he may be able to contract within the_ approprration, and there is hereby appropriated, to be paid out o any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the acquisition of said property and of all easements, riparian and other rights appurtenant thereto, the sum of $150,000: Provided, That the Secretary of the Navy shall authorize the payment of no part of this SUD1, except for perfecting the title and dredgin£gkCo d Spring Harbor and the entrance ereto, in order to m e it more available for naval purposes: And provided further, That the Secretary of the Navy, e and he is hereby empowered in his discretion to acquire, if possible, additional acreage without increased cost and within the appropriation herein authorized, and to exact guarantees for the mamtenance of the electric railway now rimning througn the above described land; and power is hereb conferred upon the Secretary of the Navy to condemn the said, tract of land for naval, aviation, and kindred purposes on the New Jersley coast adjacent to Cold Spring Harbor; and the Secretary of the avy is herebg directed, in conducting his negotiations with the Cape May Re Estate Company, to maintain intact the obligation existing between the United States and the Cape May Real state Company, executed by the said company June twenty- fifth, nineteen hundred and seven; and that this contract shall not be regiprded as a waiver of either the obligation of the company or the rights of the United States. An provided further, A1¤¢¢,P·'m· hat in the event the Secretary of the Nav is unable satisfactorily to consummate the negotiations for the purchase thereof under the provisions of said Act approved October sixth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, the President is hereb authorized and empowered to take over for and in behalf ofy the United States the immediate possession of and title to such land, including all easements, rights of way, r·iparian and other rights appurtenant or appertaimng thereto deemed by him to be necessary for the purposes aforesaid, and to make compensation therefor under the terms and provisions of the legislation contained in this Act; and the appropfiation of $150,000 appropriated in said Act, approved cto er sixth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby made available for the payment of compensation for said property so taken over by the President. " And, WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Navy has been unable satisfactorily to consummate the negotiations for the purchase of the sitg needed or the Naval Aviation Station, at Cape May, New Jersey, an