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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/598

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1918 PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. R1gh' ,'tl, `vil irachises, l' d°terest' dto rt' fthe premiset: ag cgnxlgyedgiadsllortrli Germahalill: ?lnDo1::1k Comglana; by dieeliio dirclzgdo Feb- 1, 1909, recorded February 3, 1909, 1030, page 174, Conveyance Records _ _ of gudson County, New Jersey. _ C<¤¤9¤¤S¤¤¤¤ d¤'°°· To the North German Lloyd Dock Company a corporation of the State of New JGISGY, °°d' _ in respect of its reversion, the sum of one_dol.lar ($1.00). _ _ PtP°Ym°¤f, "°, ,!“*°¤ To the North German Lloyd, a corporation of the and Hanseatic City of Breopertv men in the German Em ire, $4,831,705 les $47,500, mteresttgaid to the said Prudential Life Insurance &mpany of America on account of e obligation of said North German Lloyd, namely, four million seven hundred and eighty- our thousand, two hundred five dollars ($4,784,205), to be paid to A. Mitchell Palmer Alien Property Custodian, appointed under the provisions of the Trading with the Enemy Act, the mms to be held by him subject to the (provisions of said Act, as directed in the foregoing and annexed proclamation said sum of $4,784,205 to be chargeable with the payment and satisfaction of all liens, by way of mortgage, judgment or otherwise, existing on, and all taxes and assessments due and exigi le on, the foregoing premises or any part thereof, on the 28th day of June, 1918. D,,,,,,,,b,,16_m8_ Br mm Pnnsmmrr or rmt Unrmn Srarms or Amunrca. A PROCLAMATION. _ Agymrr upssesns, _ WHEREAS on the first day of Jannary, 1918, a péoclamation was · issue 01°1 ee 10D.08.11‘CI‘& in e m aesor §':,Qf’;']m_ its d isslgodmding th xpos t1 f ft th ted St t And Whereas, the reasons requimilgsguchlirmhibition have ceased: rmnruuon against Now, Therefore, I, Woodrow W' n, res1dent of the United “°"““8·‘“““”°°· States, do herebg repeal and annul the Said proclamation, and do rgrinjcive the pro bition therein imposed upon private aeroplane e mens. IN WITNESS WHERIBOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the_Seal of the United States to be aliixed. Done this 16th day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand nme hundred and eighteen, and of the Indep;-xéidence [SEAL.] of the United States of America the one hun d and forty-third. _ Woonnow Wmson By the President: Ronnm Laiwsmo, Secretary of State. pwombu- z;,ggp3_ BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Auepmmaaming under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by "';.',,,'[,‘,§}',,§_"""“"· the Constitution of the United States and by Sections four thousand and sixty seven, four thousand and sixty eight four thousand and rz. s., muosv-4am, sixty nme, and four thousand and seventy, of the Revised Statutes,

  • ’¥’AZ,*j;‘:;§f·,,,5,,’ ,,,6, I declared and established by Proclamatrons dated April 6th, 1917,

mmm. November 16th, 1917, December 11th, 1917, and A ril 19th 1918 . . . . . P . v r _ certain 1gg)ulations prescrlb1$ the conduct of alien enemies; ,,,*,}“g‘§,,‘§‘,f§f,,$j §g°§‘,; I, DROW WILSQ1 , President of the United States of ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤. ¤¤¤- America, do hereby proclaim to all whom it may concem that of as __ Day, December $5, 1918, R<;gulations numbered one to ·*'“*· P- ‘°°‘· eigxht inclusive Regulation eleven 0 the Proclamation of April 1_1_ 1___, 6t , 1917; Regulations numbered thirteen to twenty inclusive of the "’”"’*’p‘ ‘ " Proclamation of November 16th, 1917; and all of said Regulations as extended to women by the Proclamation of A ril 19th, 1918, shall be and they are hereby abrogated, annulled, an<i)roscinded.