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1938 rRooLAMAr1oNs, 1919. corn, rice or any other foods, fruits, food materials or feeds, including malt, 111 the production of intoxicating malt liquors, for beverage purposes, whether or not such malt liquors contain alc0hol." ‘ and the aforesaid proclamation of Se tember 16, 1918, as thus amended shall remain in full force and egect. In witness whereof, I have hereunto setmy hand and caused the sealof the United States to be affixed. Done this 4th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, and of the independence of [SEAL.] tlhgglnjted States of America the one hundred and forty- t . . ` Woomzow WH.SON By the President, FRANK L. Pom;. Acting Secretary of State.