Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/638

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umm;. 1957 Ames, Munitiorns, etc.—Continued. P¤8°· Army-C0pt§I1u6d· _ PW- seizure oi, etc.; delivery if owner dpay all a.ppr0pna@10¤ for telephone ssrvme, Coast legal ex uses and give bon not to ·.·- 44, 851 exp0rl; 1y, etc. ,,,. . .. 225 for Provost arslgal GQHBTBYS office, ex- D0 lawful trade interfered with . 225 pauses of regngtpmou fog draft- . . T . . 851 djguedonary release 011 ord¤r0fth8 Presi- for GIEPGXIBBS °f mlhtarlf PQ]-ICB °Pf°*CP£E dem; _,_____,___,___,,,,,,,.,..,.,. 225 hquor,_ etc., pro1ub1tmns m m1h— enforcexézggfklgyqghe President .. 225 f |1%13’<E8¤1PS, Bibi · -i· · Ei ·~-~·--··-·· 851 Az-mst . 0: mu 0 q or oc pengglgincygaged. ,i .,._____ ; _,,,,,,,_,_, 1570- withoqt written leases _ .. . 851 Ammrimg, Gmge S., foxjpay of 11@.Q0m.CBl'S; longeyxty. Z ...: 44, 851 panama ..,.,. ~ 1429 not to be paqd oiiiqerzépgomfed m Y{10’ Army (see gbp Army Emergency Increase), Ianni; of dcsxgm. mcmment m- appropnaucn for expenses oi, fo; July and ¢1*B¤¤§¤ -··- ; ~·-··· · ··--- _ ·-····- ;·· 44 August, 1918 .. _ .,.. 843 . proportqon of11} restncted to m- mt available siter regular appropria- cregase of enhsted men pu: . 44 { tions muélggor fiscal yea: 1919 ... 40 % appomtsxgents of segongi heumuants tp msu pong e ..,.,_, , ,,.,., vgcmugg made y mcmm umd;- for axfcoumgeucim ... 401:245 fied .. {,1 44 for Army W;u··Col1ggg_ _ , , ____ _ _ _ _ _ : , _ _ 40, 845 reuremgut for dmablhty of pmvmwual for contmgencnes, mqitary informatxqn. 40, 846 officerst 851 for cipeggcs cbserving war opcm¤¤¤¤40 846 ;¤r Igeserslrezggrpe .·-.--.-· . -·.. ig. Egg a ro .. . or a o ua: cers . { for militariservice schools . 41; 846 allowaqco to pay inspectors and was- ' second `euienauts, Field Artillery, tgnt msgectgrs of frucmay be assigned to batteries at txce B€1'V1Z!1g m mobxhzauon of 916. 45 School of Ijim, for instruction .. 41 for pay 6!lhBt9d UQQD --·---------·--··- 45, 852 for coutrmgeumes, headquarters of de- §ddlt10l181£8.y mtmgs for maxkumeu. . 45 pm-unglgfl, etc ..,.,,______,,,,,,,, 41, 846 twenty ad uoual Inimtry_band¤ for for Coast; A; ery School, ,._,._..,..,,, 41, 846 c Prgsent g{ng1$uncy gluthqnzedq, _ _ , 852 purchase, etc., of typewriters. ,-. . 847 for enhsted men; ¤ngev1igr,..-. . .. . 45, 852 fo1élSigual Siarvica expenses . 222, §0r A1fmY B¤?J¤fV9 ···· »·······,- · ig, tri ts at posts . L . , oz_ _ s _ orps . p o?airships, etc., for Avistim; ’ 42 mem, Nauonsg ... gg mm ..--... . cw msu, _ pamnemt. , Awriatioulzscctiongo Officeri aud En- 42 .;or énlisted map, Quarturmastat Corps. ig, aserve rps ... orcnhsted_ _ _I!l£D,S1§181C0l.'_[B ... .. , development of aviation motor ... 42, 849 8V13·t·l0D· mcréasé- - · ; ------·----.----- 852 sites for aviation purposes, etc . 42 for onhstod men, Mechcal pgfparunmt- 45, 852 expenditure authorized .,...,_,,, , 42 for clerks, ctc., 0mCB of Chl of Staff. . 46, 852 limit for land; leases if practicable. . . - 43 . for clerks, messengers, abc., at headdetails of detached odicars for aviation. 43 GU3 -----· Z -.. : ... 46, 852 mileage to officers in aviation sec-43 849 fozgu dxuonaltgal, for2§1ndpc{v1§·o .. 46, 355; { .,,,.,,,__,_,,,,. , ,.., owamces y c er ... <;i—.·;%!;1u employees, supplies, ctc . , 847 for commutation of quarters, ctc ... 46, 853 experiments in signaling . . ..,. 847 for c0m.¤1ut3f.l0I1 of qI.l2l’¥A\‘S, GEC., Edd bmldiugs for supplies, etc . 847 qlerks, Quaxtermastar Corps ... 46, 853 for aviation expenses; purchase, manu- 8$l§i\m€Dt of c1<=r|5¤,_¢¢¢·; WSI D6P¤·1’*·· fawture, etc., of aimmft .. 848 ment dugémrolznbxmd .. 46, 853 buildings, etc ,,,,,,,__,,_,,,,,,,,,,, 848 for pay of s 0{Iiccrs, Goncml Staff es’&ablishx1;1e¤lg of aviation staticm, bd- 848 .. . 46, 82% wu sc 00 , etc ..,. rm 0 . special clothing, ctc .. 848 modificqtion of personnel, details, atc. 46 travel elgxlenses at home and abroad,. §0rl0X§ev1tg1}'. . . . . t 47, 853 v atio tminiu , tc ... or 'u n ’s partmcn ;

 employee; $11 District of Co- { 1i>néevity..éé.    47,853

um ia ..,. . 849 or uspector n s partment.; manufacturinv plants; instruction in longevity z ... 47, 853 technical scjxools, etc .. 849 for Emer Corps; longevity 1 47, 853 exchange of aerial material 849 for Or _ ce Department; longevuy. . 47, 853 mileage, etc., instructors from foreign 849 of 0mCm aiicwed 47 amues · -—--·-···--·--··--·—- - · · · f r Quartermaster Corps; longevity 47, 853 pné;£$.Yg)»;(;¥}1?it?i?? 849 fgr Medical {>¤p¤¤z¤¤¤¢: 1<>¤s¤~i¢y ---- 2; gg WMC? ¤¤=¤·*<>v·=<¤ i¤ Mct ¤* Cc $50 £‘3S$€££§§.§g';';m ’.‘:::;;;‘::::;::; 47; W. 1°mbm'Z '’`'°'''‘’’°' ‘ ' ‘ Superintendent Nurse Corps .. 47 war supphes may be sold To persons, muses female __ _ 47 853 gig G¤v<==r¤¤·¤¤*¤· Gm; ¤¤¤=¤¤- 850 for Judée {m»·0;;uz;'c§¤ié;;1Fs‘i5é5ar»47’ 853

  • ‘‘'‘ ···*·········'‘‘‘'‘ ‘‘ · 1. * .. . . . . ,

allotment to Aircraft Board for em- _ c0$§I;}i§,?%?2]5imU law-s_ _________ 47 PlOY9€S» BuPPh€$» etc ·---······ - ·-·- 800 appointments of civilians in OHiC€1'B* for aemlogica.1 stations, etcx, imder Reserve Corps and National Amly, W€3th€! Bureau . . - .. . . 43 for ggyviqg in ,,_,__, , ... : . . . 853 for Washington-Alaska. cable, etc .. 43, 851 two line gusjot g€¤€I'$lBy 8¤th0¤-Zed collecting outside chmgw 43 i1‘0m Ch19fof SWE C0YP¤» etc · · ·-·-- 853 120$0S°—v0z. -10, PT 2--43