Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/719

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2038 INDEX. Distribution of Food Ncceuaries, P•8¤· District of C0lumb·ia—C0ntinued. Pmproclumtion adoring licenses for; limi- aplprogriation for personal tu board .. 919 tation; . .; .. . .. 1700 or' cause bureau . . ... 919 canceling requirements . 1919 for co1lec0or’s office .. . 919 District Attorneys, United Bute; Cowrta, for auditor’s 01Bce ... . . . 919 appropriation for sslaria and expenses. . 157, 683 for co tion co1ms¤l’s odiice .. 920 poymontjo clerks, acting as, durinf fornixigzgfund office - 920 vacancies ... . 57, 683 for coroner’s office .. . . . 920 for fees, District of Columbia . 157, 6% for market masters and market!. . .. · 920 f allowances for .. _. . .b157, 683 §or Bah whmi sind 920 orregulnrassm ,apou1 y orsu rinhenen0w’ meunres, Attorney Geusnl . . 157, 683 mp; markets . .. ., - - . . 920 ' for special assistants to . . . 157, 683 for Engineer Commimionafs oficc . 920 deficiency appropriation for, and assist- for municipal a.rchit»ect’s office 921 ants . Z ... - .. 493, 843, 1040 for public utilities commimion . 921 · pay of Connecticut, mcrnaed . 1183 for street cleaning division . 921 District Byilding D. C'., for board of examiners, steam engineers. 921 tpipmgzsiion for ¤1latiQ, cate of .. 919 for ingmgnce .. . 921 d or_ l, etc I . 919 for gurveyofs ee .. . i 921 eiicsency sppmpiutzicm , misce - for ipgpgcmm, regu]; em Luyment o _ _ lsneoussnpplieqotc . . 6,468,1162 females . .. 9 21 lp mpm .. L 9 .. , or ‘ oma ¤ """‘°”"‘*‘“$;.i,-...;...1 . 812 mi §°'fi’:Q‘;“‘°§.§%:.,°"°*.£.;’°.§‘“T°.‘ie···a;¤··»z ***2 Kvrjndgs ctc., Ilsvmii. . 812; 1264 _; , bnsghaga YH ... . . 922 Porto _ . 1 . 8 12, 1264 for central garage., ., . 922 for sgidipmual judge, Taxa, western fomcontingentoxpeliasas -..,... 922 _d1¤nct ... :...:..._ .. 7 .. 156 forprintingreporh ... 923 forjudgo, Porto Excp district ... 156 _ fm·motorvehicIes;pn1chssés authorized. 923 deiicwngy approprmtnon for judge, Porto regulation ohms of vehicles, eu: .. 923 { aaa . ,1; .. 2 1 restriction can use of hoinuaiw ... 923 01’ jge, 018l,D sp9c1§'cau0ri uire 01*11860 _ _ di¤trict 21 horses, ehc.. ... 923 gunsdmction oonfegred upon, over violations payment for Hrs insurance forbidden. . 923 0f Act Flacmz ¢¤¤'i¤¤’¤ l¤1d¤¢ F¤d¢1'¤1 specific residence telephones allowed. 923 _ _ pop _ ..,... ·, . 457 for postage .. . 923 ]\11’l“1Ct1|)j!l. m all civil sdminlty and 395 {or street carticketn .. . ... ipsntime causes . ... or judicial ex uses .. claimants nnder Stats wurkmexfs for coroner’s, egg., expenses- ... 924 yompennpon laws . , _ ...,,. _ 395 for advertising ...,.,..,_,,..,,, 924 seizures; prizes and condsmnspop 395 for enforcing game md ish laws 924 exclusive of Stpte courts; restriction. . 395 for survey, etc., of dangerous ctc., Army and Navy clgiing 5ui(§_ _ 4],0 bujldu? ____________________,_____ 924 given to enforce provisions of Trading for copies 0 wills, etc., to assemor .. 924 with the Encugy Act- 2 . . Z . 425 for recorder of deeds, rent .. 924 tgtgmguy, ggcn m wm- gmk gpggugucg, Pgy for copying (1534];, gu; ________ _ _ _ 924 v g1g;_zt§;5g_,.,,,·_H_____£&,_ ___,_ :__ 399 §orvghiclgtag¤u;i_,_ ,,,,,_ ___i)__éi6___ gg cated wi ] c ou ormpmrs` to 'dmg¤° 'i'.I1~\1l'Ed ..- Revenue Actoi 1918. . .. 1148 for repairs, etc., to market . .. 924 District Judgu, for maintenance, lights, et.c.,_iish wharf. . 924 spfro mum for ,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,... 812, 1254 for vpentivn vw-. r<>fr¤z¢r•·f·}¤z pint- . . 925 or . 812, 1264 for motor veliicles for superintendent. of for Porto Rico . 812, 1264 weights, measures, and markets . 925 for Porto Rico district .. 156 for shore yard, shop, etc .·.. 925 foradditionnl, Texas, western district 156 for improvements and repairs . . 925 for expenses. . ...,.. 158, 684 for amesment and permit work . 925 deficiency appropriation for, Porto Rico for work on streets and avenues; scheddistrict 21 um ... . . . . 925 for additional, Texas, northern district. . 21 width of roadway, Nineteenth Street salaries increased 1156 NW. , E Street 1:0 New York Avenue, District of C0lumbf$n•;, f fm f increased . 925 appropriation expemes 0 m or gmdmg' etc. appmwc es em- District rcvenues) for uly and ment 'buildings; extending water izugust, 138 . l ... 843 { mains, et;. .. . . . 925 no s regular s repris- or re treet ., en { tion;Imadeforfiac¤I§e•.r19l)!;i . . 844 f 1*1?it.11 -5 R6 925 orgeue ex imag from Treasury, crrepaving e ., half revenues) .. . 918 Streets - .. 925 for salaries, cxequpye ince . 918 for grading streets, etc . - 925 for veterinary d1yl§10¤ . . .. 918 for coudemningstreets, ctc- : . . 926 for urchasing division. . .. 918 for¤uburbanmads,c0ustrucu¤n etc . 926 for inspection division. . .. 918 Rhode Island Avenue NE., 1z`0\1.I.’u1 to for plumbing division ... . 918 Twelfth Streets . .. 926 for care, etc., District Building . . . . . 919 Canal Road NW., .. 926 for ggggmis o$ce .. . .. . .. 919 New Hampshire Avenue ., Georgia. for¤§meut0$cc. .. .. 919 Ave11u6fDPIl‘k Bcsd.. . .. 927