Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/911

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2230 mnsx. P7'0d1w¢, 1’•¢•- Prosecution of the War Pass- , stamp tax on sales oi, for future delivery, adjustuieiit of agreements for on exchanges, etc . : 1136 _ lands, supplies,'et=c., taken for . . 1272 cash sales for rmmediate dehvery ex- Prosmulabn, · , empt . i 1137 appropriation forsuppressing, near mili- Wtr revenue stamp on es o , on taryoamps, eu: ..,, , .,,,,,_,,_,, 35] pxchnnge . . 322 prohibitism agamst engagq in abetting Projltea-mg, D. C'., Real Estate (ace Beal etc., within designated distance oi Pmh _ _Est.ate Prouteenng, D. G.). dcgccantsonmgntigfs, enc 885 _ _ __ ri tio xben ·885 ‘ of liquor lratlic in Elawau 560 p1misll)me:t(lo‘; vliglfgigns ... 886 Prohnbrtnon of AIooholic_In.qu0rs, persons sulg;-act to military law ... 886 provisions for, m military camps, .._.. 82 Secretary of ar empowered to prevent

to places under naval ;|u¤s— 393 violati¢;ns of . li .. . ... 886

_ _ c . _ ... suppression o , near m' itsry camps etc., Prohibmmno Into:cwa¢11zgL·$40rs durm' K resent _ th ‘ j _____ gg proposed imendment to e Constitution punishmenxtor viol:vtlil>nl;l1..21T3 ... 83 £m1CfBd fb $8 States {O! tllé, Bl 1050 extgndgd m plgggg under uavgl jurig- @8* ·----···---- J ···----·-- ·- diction . 393 certificate of ratillcation by the States. . 1941 Prozeczing Public Lands Pr¤1¢•=¢•1e•, Army. _ ; · appropriation for expenses ..·...-.- 142, 667 tlpgropnaum for modermzing - . 817, 1306 p,-mdjig, George, . e cmnézcy afppropristion for modemizing, pcnnnngncpumd _________,_____________ , 1379 _r..r_.§°d& ‘i"?°"""°» 9 . ‘ :::;;:375;;; $$2 ____ . ____________________ ,4,, P'°-l°°°'l“zN“”!r . .ProvidiMcHo:pital,D.C.,` " `· sppropnstnon for developing armor pierc- gppmpvrintion for support, etc., destitute , mebgw -—·······-·····--···--··- -- 722 patienmsin .. 136, 661 P"°"'·“•°"!I °*“» for repairs and improvements .. 662 ’l·*·mP 1** °¤· -; ··--·----·-·-··-··· - --···- 1137 for mmor contagious diseases ward . . 941 secured by L1bercyé¤bonds,etc., exempt;. 1%;% pwpgdmuy R_ L, warrevenusstamp on, renewals, etc.; ‘ ‘ { ‘ t { ° 6 no mp ¤¤ ·»¤ mma by progs of """°"r.'¥.’Z{,‘2,’R.‘?T?f‘°i‘?‘f‘TY?f’f‘T‘?. f’. T?”§Ef“»¤5, mp Libe bonds etc.; condition .._.,, 514 fu public building ________________ _ ____ 636 Properly and sing Ojcers, National for Bddiijgnk ,_,__,,,.. . ., _ . 636 Gj““Zd» » deficiency appropriation for quarantine Z£"p.m.""’3..i‘L‘.?€‘.f£’%¥.’.?‘r’.§‘;;r;.;r‘ ;.; "5 .,·,.,°*“,,,,‘3,°“, .,,.···,.·,,.· ····· ,;, ···· E ·r,··,,,r,., ····· **3** <>¢h¤r <>¤i¤¤r as ----·-- · ----. 878 Pm to be made .. (Z lI.l.-QZ ff .. if 262 regarded as officers of the United States. . . 878 pmpimggzown, Mass.,

 A’”'*!! O" Naw, _ appropriation for improvement of lmf-

P _ ent for purchasing, bg; ____,_________,_,,,_,,,._.,. 251,1275 m *1%** armed s°YW¢’°» 6d |¤ Proving Ground, Army Ordnance (see also clotlimgéletc. , allowance  :,. . 1016 Abgydggn Proving Ground), Prvpmy €M¢¤ ». Ahn (ve Mw Ahen appropriation for momma mz- 8pp0i¤;1;?‘§’::t¥’l )» 415 ing ammunition, . I . . Pygmy. Decrhem ·»f,_ ‘`'``‘°‘`°’°‘°‘°‘ $3 §3$i§‘.,..‘ °.r"'£“’°°“c,.,..°r r.c.¤"’“"" m..‘f_..;Z1i2 or ¤¤¤ sdvqcmns rm wml, excluded sd- 12 deficiency rpprpprasuon for buildings, Pm M mésswn --.-·-··---- - ·-----···-·--·· 10 esuipment, and, etc ·--. . -·--. 352 P vr °*·’¤'M¤¢¤¢» _ con emnatnon of land; compensatnon, pumsl1(r;’ent for sgsahxzi etc., of, or of 1016 pw _______________________________ 353 vernmen oyn p ‘ g Ground, Navy (see also Ordnance Pmpmv !»•w·¢¤¤=s Pvlwr. _ mm Proving Groupe, Navy), Slam? px (me mued 12Y f°1’€18'¤ °°!'P°?§·' deficiency appropriation forimprovements. 370 hm}, °t°·» ¤°t ¤'€¤°d bY Went m Pmvimknw, Army (see Subsistence, Army). P m $*;*68 ·----·-·~--··-·---~-- 1138 Prowrions, Humps Corps, 736 mp yo zen nemy, gp ropriation or ,,,.,,,..,.__..,. sale, etc., by Property Custodian as true- degciency appropriation for war expenses. 213 tee-_ . Z -_ ... 460 Pro1ria·i01u, Navy, to American citizens only . . 460 apgmpmuon for . 728 at publ1c_salgf bidder, ew.; 460 de ciency appropriation for-ié.%.§3é.éé2 re] R I 1 """*'••••··•• l I S 4 D 7 punishment for making hibxed · { uses ,., - 210 cpp;. .5. . . . Fr; FT'?. . .} ¥’E’. 460 ,.t?§¤"2.?t;.§.‘.€r°r.8gr(.;;.drred pr 40 ceppigpgr 397 er,e ., per:yc¤¤¤pr1rap,· no xc after anuary , . Pm ifaown? 1020 Provost Man}1:l%crm·ul’s Ojicc, Amgy, tb er: mm erso tion expenses, regmtru n,

 gpg gardens.; rr, hmm “""'°"$.,r~p.,..,°L...r rsp me mmm 851

nite tutes an my foreign servi ... .- ... country  : ... . .. 415 per Sign subsistence of employees, 851 com ulsorytestnmony e .,as trans- an dnftboards ... gctions ... 415 for military police cfipenses, prosecu- Proprietary Hedglnu, W 1124 }:ions of liquor an prostitution of- 851 excisetaxon eso oruse .. ensesnearesmps, etc .. war excise tax on, sold by producer, etc. . 317 rent allowance for draft boards, etc. . - 851