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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1086

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srxrr-srxrn coivennss. sms. II. ou. 285. mo. 1065 thereof prescribed in said classification, but shall not include expenditures from funds obtained through donations by States, municipalities, individuals, or others, and said classification of investment of the Interstate Commerce Commission shall in so far as applicable be published and promulgated as a part of the rules and regulations of the commission. Powm 0, Comm} Sec. 4. That the commission is hereby authorized and empowered- son. (a) To make investigations and to collect and record data con- wgQ§,*{.‘,,‘§’,,,“§,?,f°i,§§,§; cerning the utilization of the water resources of any region to be i¤d¤¤¤v·¤¢¢· developed, the water power industry and its relation to other industries and to interstate or foreign commerce, and concerning the location, capacity, development costs, and relation to markets of power sites, and whether the power from Government dams can be advan· hx? g{f°"°""'*°"° tageously used by the United States for its public purposes, and ’ what is a fair value of such power, to the extent the commission may deem necessary or useful for the purposes of this Act. MMM In order to aid the commission in determining the net investment olcost °¢e¤i¤l¤°1tri»°¥ii€¤i°: of a licensee in any project, the licensee shall, upon oath, within a ‘“¤**¤h°d by reasonable period of time, to be fixed by the commission, after the construction of the original project or any addition thereto or betterment thereof, file with the commission, in such detail as the commission may require, a statement in duplicate showing the actual legitimate cost of construction of such pro ect, addition, or betterment, and the price paid for water rights, riéits of way, lands, or interest in lands. The commission shall deposit one of said statements with the Secretary of the Treasury. The licensee shall grant to the commis- °°§"°,:°°°Q‘g,°”,§g_P’°l‘ sion or to its duly authorized agent or agpts, at all reasonable times, ’ ' free access to such project, ad tion, or tterment, and to all maps profiles, contracts, resorts of engineers, accounts, books, records, and all other papers and ocuments relating thereto. (b) To cooperate with the executive departments and other c,,$°Y,$°§°tE’w'{g',.¥g°2Q agencies of State or National Governments in such investigations; *“““’°’“$°“°”°- and for such purpose the several departments and agencies of the National Government are authorized and directed upon the request of the commission, to furnish such records, papers, and information in their possession as may be requested by the commission, and temporari y to detail to the commission such officers or experts as may be necessary in such investigations. (c) To make public from time to time the information secured P¤¤1i=¤¤¤¤•>¤¤¤¤¤¤» hereunder, and to provide for the publication of its reports and inves- °°°° ltilgations in such form and manner as may be best adapted for ublic ` ormation and use. The commission, on or before the first Mgnday ntpomgt comm. in December of each year, shall submit to Congress for the fiscal year preceding a classified report showing the permits .and licenses issued under this Act, and in each case the parties thereto, the terms prescribed, and the moneys received, if any, on account thereof. ·- (d) To issue licenses to citizens of the United States, or to any ¥¤¤¤¤¤¢¢¤¤¤¤f¤=i¤¤· association of such citizens, or to any corporation organized under $;:¤iri;rggm"$°¤ii°§£ the laws of the United States or any State thereof, or to any State, P°"°‘-°‘°· or municipality for the purpose of constructing, operating, and maintaining dams, water conduits, reservoirs, power houses, transmission lines, or other project works necessary or convenieitt for the development and improvement of navigation, and for the development, transmission, and utilization of power across, along, from or ·1n any of the navigable waters of the United States, or upon any of the P·¤¢·v· lm ublic lan s and reservations of the United States (inc uding the Territories), or for the purpose of utilizing the surplus water or water power from any Government dam, except as herein provided: Pro- §YY,,'§‘g',,,g,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,, vided, That licenses shall be issued within any reservation only after ¤¤¤rv¤¤¤¤s. a finding by the commission that the license will not mterfere or be 4-i281°—2l—--69