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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1093

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1072 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 285. 1920. not include or be affected by the value of any lands, rights of way, or other prolperty of the United States licensed by the commission under this ct, by the license, or by 'Igpod will, going value, or etg<>¤t5{g;£¢¢r¤@¢$» protsBpectiy;<;Sreve}nt1;es% ProviiZed(£u1t}wr,t6 att the vgsuels alllovszegll) for ’ warn ,r1 owa,an,ormres1nan sano em excess of the aciual reasoriable cost thereof at the time of acquisition ,9§,‘§$,§§f‘*““‘i°“ “gh‘ by tlée licensee: Provixfled, Thatkthe right of the United States or an tate or munici a `t to ta e over, maintain, an c erate an prdject licensed nmdgr this not at any time bycondemriixtion proq ceedmgs upon payment of just compensation is hereby expressly reserve . @§,@f‘{,§e°;S“§g?f· hSec. 15. Qfhlat if the United Sta@tdoes npt, at the expiration cg t e cri a 'cense, exercise its ri to ta e over, maintain, an operategsiiy project or projects of the licensee, as provided in section 14 hereof, the commission is authorized to issue a new license to the ozrgginal licensee upon such terms and conditions as may be authori or required under the then existindg laws and regulations, cr to To new uemee. issue a new license under said terms an conditions to a new licensee, cenamun, which license may cover any pro`ect or projects covered by the original license, and shall be issued on the condition that the new licensee shall, before taking possession of such project or projects, _ pay such amount, and assume such contracts as the United States €'T,‘j,T;· munmm is re uired to dc, in the manner specified in section 14 hereof: Pro- °*¤¤¢i¤¤Ui<=¤==¤· That in the event the United States does not exercise the right to take over or does not issue a license to a new licensee, or issue a new license to the original licensee, upon reasonable terms, then the commission shall issue from year to year an annual license to the then licensee imder the terms and conditions of the original yense iéntil the property is taken over or a new license is issued as oresai . e.Z.°%?’;';%$§a Etta; Sec. 16. That when in the opinion of the reeeiaeee of the United $,‘}§j"Q,‘§§%f" m‘“' States, evidenced by a. written order addressed to the holder of any license hereunder, the safety of the United States demands it, the United States shall have the right to enter upon take possession of guy prgjcixlct, or pfart tilierecf, const;·ucteddfmainta1ned, or cperatpd un er said `cense, or the cse o man acturing nitrates, exp o- sives, or munitions of wariniipfor any other purpose involving the safety of the United States, to retain possession, management, and congcl thereof for such lengtllispf tiipie as may appealr tpl the President to necessa to accom ° said cses, an then to restore miéms ¤f ¤¤¤¤p¤¤¤¤· possession andrycontrcl to tgnegmrty oiiuéllgrties entitled thereto; and ' in the etvipnt that the United tazltéeg shla exercise sac? right it shall a to e part or arties enti theretc `ust an air com cnsafich for the useshf salid property as may be fixed by the comniission upon the basisdof a reasonable prpgt in gmc of peacetgdand tlhe cost c restcring said ro rt to as o con `tion asexis att e time of the taking oveli· tliigregf, less ghe reasonable value of any improvements that may be made thereto by the United States and which are valuable and serviceable to the licensee. llggcngegéum mm Sec. 17. That all prooeeds from any Indian reservation shall nspeemen or en be placed to the credit of the Indians of such reservation. All other °*h°'· charges from licenses hereunder shall be paid into the Treasury wifgsmiseuwwusw of the Unite States, subject to the following distribution: Twelve P and cne—half per centum thereof is hereby appro riated to be paid into the Treasury of the United States and credited) to "Miscellanecus From pneue xeeae, receipts"; 50 per centum of the charges arising from licenses here- °’°‘ under for the 1c;ccupancy dand use lcf p1;1Sbl§:llat1;1eds, piational monplments, nationa crests, an natxona par s a ai into, reserve , $g,_*•§¤¤=:g8m md- and a ropriated as 8. part of the reclamation fuliid created by the ’p' Act oflgongress known as the Reclamation Act, approved June 17,