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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1097

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1076 SIXTY-srxrrr CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 285. 1920. mission, for the purposes of this Act, which right shall be expressly reserved in every patent issued for such lands; and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from the occupation or use of any of 8g}?g“${)S‘g{c_d°m‘ said lands for said purposes. The United States or any licensee for ' any such lands hereunder may enter thereupon for the purposes of this Act, upon paynggntql of agny darplages to cigps, biuildings, or other im rovements caus ere y to the owner ereo , or u on ` a glood and sufficient bond to the United States for the use alind lilrihlfilz of the owner to secure the payment of such damages as may be determined and Exed in an action brought upon the bond in a court of pma., competent_ju1isdiction,_ said bond to be in the form prescribed by ,,§°;,{{}§,§1p;‘g,°§,§{°“- the commission: Provided, That locations, entries, selections, or ’ filings heretofore made for lands reserved as water-power sites or in connection with water-power development or electrical transmission may progeed 310 approvguciir patent under agd subject to the limitations an con `tions in ° section containe . .P°”°‘"],c,‘¤°§',Es"°‘°‘ Sec. 25. That any licensee, or any person, who shall willfull fail mm by ’ cm or who shall refuse to comply with any of the provisions of thisyAct, or with any of the conditions made a part of any license issued hereunder, or with any subpoena of the commission, or with any regulationfor1}awSgc1l order qféhe commission, grhof the Secregaary of War, or 0 the retary o ommerce as to s ways, issue or made in accordance with the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall, in the discretion of the court, be punished by a fine of not exceeding $1,000, in addiceaaming sums. tion to othir penaltieis lherein prescribed qr providecgmlily law; and every mont any suc censee or any suc person s remain in default after written notice from the commission, or from the Secretary of Vgar, or frorqf the Secretlaryl of Cpfmmercg, shall be deemed anewan separateo ensepums a e as oresa.1 . MB<jg3m Sec. 26. That the Attorney General may, on request of the comete. g mission or of the Secretaqbof War, institute proceedings in equity in the district court of the nited States in the district in which any project or tpart thereof is situated for the purpose of revoking for violation o its terms any permit or license issued hereunder, or for ceueccmgeeimm. the purpose of remedying or correcting by injunction, mandamus, or other_process any act of commission or omission in violation of the provisions of this Act or of any lawful regulation or order protr{;rgg1iu;g¤¤ of dis- mulgated hereunder. The_ district courts shall have `urisdiction ` over all ofdthe abotge-Hientioned proceedings dand shaaill liagecpfower to issue an execu a necess rocsss an to m e an orce all writs, orders, and decrees tgrjdohrpel compliance with the lawful orders and regulations of the commission and of the Secretary of War, to compel_the performance of any condition imposed under u§:§h§;;£Sgf’ ”'°°" the prov1810I1S of i3h1S_AGi>. In the event a decree revoking a license 1S entered, the court is empowered to the whole or_any part of the project or prgjlects under license, to wind up the business of such licensee conduct in connection with such roject or projects, to distribute the proceeds to the parties entitled) to the same,_and to mgm em www melee and enforce such further orders and decrees as eqiuty and dee, ’ ’ justice may 1`€ql1}I'§. At such sale or sales the vendee S all takél the rights and privileges belonging to the licensee and shall perform the duties of such licensee and assume all outstanding obligations _ _ and liabilities of the licensee which the court may deem equitable S§$,,§m,§§§,,§§c,$§;§T° in the premises; and at such sale or sales the United States may become a purchaser, but it shall not be required to pay a greater amount than it would be required to ay under the provisions of ·*'***· P· Im- section 14 hereof at the termination of the license.