Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1154

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1134 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 70. 1921. For contin ent expenses, including books, law books, books of reference, fuei light, telephone, blanks, dockets, and all other neces— sari; mgscellaneouxtems and supplies, $2,000; _ a , mumcip court, $32,680. {¢‘j,‘}°3‘§,§’,§‘f';§§j Wizrrs or LUNAcY: For expenses attending the execution of writs de lunatico inquirendo and commitments thereunder in all cases of indigent insane persons committed or sought to be committed to Saint Elizabeths Hospital by order of the executive authorit of the District of Columbia. under the provisions of existing law, including the em loyment of an alienist at not exceeding $1,500 per annum E . and a cler at $900 who shall be a stenographer and typewriter, $5,500. ,u{_·g¤¤¤¢¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤ INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. A¤¤°¤¤*· For interest and sinkin fund on the funded debt, ayable onehalf out of the revenues og the District of Columbia andpone—half out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $975,408. E“‘°‘g°“°"““‘°‘ EMERGENCY FUND. E‘¥’°"S"“°"“°‘°°‘ To be expended only in case of emer enc , such as riot, pestilence, ppbléc inlsanitary cond itiong, calamigy lliy fkmd or fire og- storm, and o i e c aracter, an in a eases o eme ency not otherwise suiii- _ ciently (provided for, in the discretion of the commissioners, $8,000: §',,,,g,°"j’,,;,,,_ Provide , That in the purchase of all articles rovided for in this Act no more than the market price shall be aid for any such articles, and all bids for any such articles above the market price shall be rejected and new bids received or purchases made in open market, gslmay be most economical and advantageous to the District of o um 1a. °°‘"‘“"°*’“*°“”· eomrrs AND PRISONS. miigigltoiithiilicis SUPPORT QF CONVICTS: For support, maintenance, and transportation of convicts transferred from the District of Columbia; ex enses of shipping remains of deceased convicts to their homes in the {lnited States, an expenses of interment of unclaimed remains of deceased convicts; expenses incurred in identifying and pursuing escaped convicts and rewards for their recapture; to be expended under the D C direction of the Attorney General, $125,000.

{,)§2‘°°’ ` COTSRTHOTQSE, DISTRICT OF COLt*MB1A: For care and rotection,

under the direction of the United States marshal of the {District of Columbia: Engineer, $1,200; electrician, $900; four watchmen, at $720 each; five laborers, at S600 each; six messengers, at $720 each; two elevator conductors, at $720 each; clerk to jury commissioner, $720; telephone operator, 8720; attendant in ladies’ waiting room, $3010; iii: cliaraiomené alt $1240 each; Gin all, $16,920, to be expended unt er e t 1rec ion o the 1 ttorne eneral. B§,,°},,‘Y§,,,_ °' Appws Comer or Arrmms Btrrnnrxe, Disrmcr or COL`L"MBIAZ Two watch- €¤r¤,é=¤· men, at $720 each: elevator conductor, $720; three laborers, at $600 _ each; meehanician (under the direction of the Superintendent of g,§?;',’{g,,,_ the Capitol Building and Grounds), $1,200; Provided, That the clerk of the_court of appeals shall be the custodian of said building, under gre élirection and supervision of the justices of said cotu·t; in all, I 5,1 0. E Dum For mops, brooms, buckets, disinfectants, removal of refuse, electrical slupplies, bookg, Zuid al; other necessary and incidental expenses not otherwise provide or, 800. %ii€£il£$.°z$gs`{r:éc. Fans or wrrxrzssns, svramrn comrr: For fees of witnesses and R S sec 550 180 pacyment of the actual expenses of witnesses in said court, as pro- ‘ " ’p‘ vi ed by section 850, Revised Statutes of the United States, $15,000-