SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 127. 1921. 134]. able for agricultural purposes; for preparing plans for the removal of surplus water by drainage, and for giving e ert assistance by advice or otherwise in the drainage of such laiilifs; for conducting iield experiments and investigations concerning the construction and maintenance of farm—drainage work; for investigating and developing equi ment intended for the construction and maintenance of farm-diainage structures; for the purchase of materials and equipment; and for preparing and illustrating reports and bulletins on drainage; and for the emplo ent of assistants and labor in the cit of Washin ton and elsewlrirdie; for rent outside of the District of Csdlumbia, ang for supplies and all necessary expenses, $73,760. For investigatin farm domestic water su 1 and drain e dis- ,D§}°““° :Q‘§f§""" posal, the construgaion of farm buildings, anidpdither rural eiaigineen py mm ing problems involving mechanical rinciples, including the erection of suc? structures outiide of the Dlilstricg of Colpmbia as ipaybbe necessary or e erimenta oses 0 , the em 0 ent 0 a or in the city of x'&'ashi11gtonpa1ii5 elsewhgre, suppli)es,y]•i.1nd all other necessary expenses, $25,000; _ _ _ For general administrative expenses connected with the above- ,,,,§,,d§f“""“°"° °" mentioned lines of investigations and experiments, $16,000; S his wu ex ,°_ For supervising the preparation, distribution, and use of picric siv$gp_ P acid, trirutrotoluo , trojan owder, and such other surplus war explo- ,,,P,§§l,§,“{§$§{ ,,s§§f‘· sives as may be made availiable for use in clearing stumps and stones from a ricultural land, independently or in cooperation with agricultural colleges and other agencies, and for investigating and reporting upon the results obtaine from the use of the explosives, $15,000; n all, for general e enses, $354,060. Total for Bureau ofxgublic Roads, $468,520. 1(arkets and Crop BUREAU or MARKETS AND cnor ESTIMATES. Rsumm mma. SALARIES, BUREAU or MARKETS AND CRoP EsTmATEs: Chief of re£¤iy¤1gik;l1k‘li··0Ibu bureau,. $5,000; chief clerk, $2,000; administrative assistants-one $3,000, one $2,500, one $1,800; clerk in charge of supplies and accounts, $2,250; executive 0lB1‘kS—·§.V6 at $2,000 each, three at $1,980 each; clerks-—twenty of class four, thirty-seven of class three, seventy of class two, two hundred and twenty of class one, sixty-five at $1,100 each, ninetyfive at $1,000 each; photographers--one mm h tm $1,400, one $1,200; superintendent of telegraph, $2,000; su ervising ae. P °p°° ' telegrapher, $1,620; te egraph operators-- ve at $1,600 each; forty- seven at $1,400 each; telephone 0 erat0rs——two at $900 each, one $840; draft·smen—-one $1,400, one g1,380, three at $1,200 each, one $1,000, one $900; custodian of supplies, $1,200; machine operatorsthree at $1,400 each, four at $1,200 each, two at $1,100 each, eleven at $1,000 each, three at $900 each; three chauifeurs at $900 each; skilled laborer, $1,200; laborers-tive at $900 each, three at $840 each, ten at $720 each, four at $660 each, live at $600 each, two at $540 each; messengers——fou.r at $900 each, two at $720 each; messe er boys-three at $660 each, twelve at $600 each, fifteen at $540 ealdg, twenty at $480 each; charwomen—two at $540 each, six at $480 each, two at $360 each, six at $300 each, nine at $240 each; in all, $838,630. GENERAL ExPnNsEs, BUREAU or MAnKn·rs Ann Cao? EsT13rATEs: ¤ °"1°x°°°s°" For salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, traveling expenses, rent outside of the District of Columbia, and all other expenses necessary in conducting investigations, experiments, and demonstrations, as follows: Dismbuting ,,,,0,_ For ac uiring and diffusing among the eople of the United States ¤={¤¤¤ ¤f{¤¤1¤;tpr¤<1- useful information on subjects connected with the marketing and “°°’”" °°' °` distributing of farm and nonmanufactured food products and the