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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1381

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHs.1s7,14s, 149. 1921. 1361 conlipensation at the rate of 3 cents for each person enumerated; an Whereas the vouchers for such compensation have been disallowed by the accounting officers of the Treasury Department on the ound that payment thereof was unwarranted; and Wg:-zreas it further appears that in the judgment of the Director of the Census the census of the military and naval forces was taken more accurately b reason of the assurance of compensation to such enumerators than if it had been taken under orders of the War De artment: Therefore be it Resolvedp by the Senate and House { Re esentatives of the United E _ States of America in Congress Assem Zed, Zlfhat the appointment of Aq¤’;~°§.”l;°§1§$§°{§b12 such enumerators be, and the same is hereby, validated and that the Pm ‘°'$°"*°°S· moneys appropriated for the Fourteenth Decennial Census are hereby made available for the payment of their services as such enumerators. Approved, March 3, 1921. March 4,1921. CHAP. 148.-An Act To amend an Act approved March 3, 1891, incorporating the _..lE@.. National Conservatory of Music of America. [P“bu°¤ N°· 376-] Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re resentatives of the United . States of Ameri;/a in Congress assembled, 'lzhat the Act of Congress tug? i1r°.i.sg°u°°mj` approved March 3, 1891, constituting the §ersons therein named a ,,,,,,,§§’°“"°” ’“b“" bo y pohtic and corjiprate by the name ational Conservatory of uX;}a°d2°· P- 1093- Music of America, is erebyoamended by substitutingvthe names of ' Henry White, George Pea dy Eustis, Charles D. alcott, Mary Harrison McKee, Anna Cochran Ewing, Lillia Babbitt H de, Helen Hartley Jenkins, Doroth Whitney Str ht, Jeannette Thurber, Thomas Ewing, George McAneny, andaligrnest M. Stires in place of Abram S. Hewitt, Frank R. Lawrence, William Pinckney Whyte, Enoch Pratt, Fitz Hugh Lee, William H. Payne, Olive Risle Seward, John Hay, S. P. Lanvle , Anthon Pollock, C. R. P. Rod? ers, and John M. Scofield, and, that said Niiitional Conservatory of Tlusic of éniieriia may establish and maintain branches outside the District of B""“""°' °“"‘°""°"· o um 1a. Sec. 2. That the power to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby "m°°dm°°°' reserved. Approved, March 4, 1921. CHAP. 149.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "The New Mexico Enabling Act." ipugrghdldggli I u c, 0. 77. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United . . States gtf America in Congress 0ssembledfTh§,t section 13`fbf the Act xi°¤i.°isi[;fsi.i§me¤e. entitle "An Act to enable the peo le of New Mexico to form a con- °d‘ stitution and State government ang be admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States; and to enable the eople of Arizona to form_a constitution and State government and be admitted into the Union on an equal foot' with the original States" approved June 20, 1910, is hereby ameiiifed to read as follows: I dim, dis _ ‘SEc. 13. That the State, when admitted as aforesaid, shall con- miisnea. tm esi stitute one `udicial district, and the district court of said district shall be held) at the capital of said State, and the said district shall, In mm cmu, for judicial purposes, be attached to the eighth judicial circuit. Judge many `md There shall e appointed for said district one district judge, one marshai. ' United States attorney, and one United States marshal. The judge . of said district shall receive a yearly salary the same as other similar judges of the United States, payable am provided for by law, and shall