Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/285

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254 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 26. 1919. structures; for the purchase of materials and equipment; and for preparing and illustrating reports and bulletins on drainézvge; and for the employment of assistants and labor in the city of asbington and elsewhere; for rent outside of the District of Columbia, and for D mi t supplies and all necessary expenses, $73,760; ~ - _ _ piy Sllmmizlc? Sup` or investigating farm domestic water supply and drainage disposal, the construction of farm buildings, and other rural engineering problems involving mechanical principles, including the erection 0 such structures outside of the District of Columbia. as may be necessary for experimental p oses only, the employment of labor in the city of Washington andmelsewhere, supplies, and all other necessary . . x_ e enses, $25,000; péilgesnlmmme C Xgor general administrative expenses connected with the abovementioned lines of investigations and experiments, $16,000; In all, for general ex enses, $480,680. Total for Bureau of lgiblic Roads, $594,320. ""‘k°‘“°“'°°“· nunnau or uanxnrs. i ,,,§°,§‘§;§{§’},‘ZE,_°£ b“` Snnanms, Bimnau or Manners: One chief of bureau, $5,000; one chief clerk, $2,000; one administrative assistant, $3,000; one administrative. assistant, $2,500; ,one. clerk in charge of supplies and accounts, $2,250; twoexecutive clerks, at $2,000 each; one clerk, $2,000; one executive assistant, $1,980; one administrative assistant, $1,980; eleven clerks, class four; one clerk, $1.,740; fourteen clerks, class three; one clerk, $1,440; thirty-fiveclerks, class two; one clerk, $1,380; five clerks, at $1,320 each; one clerk, $1,300; one hundred and sixty-tliree clerks, class one; one clerk,. $1,140; forty. clerks, at $1,100 each; eighty-eight clex·ks,,at $1,000 each; thirteen clerks, at $1,080 each; seven clerks, ati $1,020 each; two clerks, at $960 each; twenty-four clerks, at $900 each; three clerks, at $840 each; two clerks, at $720 each; one laboratory helper, $900; one laboratory aid, $960; three laboratory aids, at $900 each; one laboratory aid, $840; one laboratory aid, $7 20 ; one photographer, $1,400; one photographer, $1,200; ,,31 °*°*”¥’” °p°”*°"= one superintendent of telegraph, $2,000; one supervising telegrapher, $1,620; five telegraph operators, at $1,600 each; fortyseven telegrsgph operators, at $1,400teach; one telegraph operator, $1,320;sevo11 thegraph operators, at $1,200 each; one tel a h operator, $1,080; two telephone operators, at $900 each; one tildpgone operator, $840; one dra tsman, $1,400; three draftsmen,. at $1,200 enc ; one draftsman, $900; one map tracer, $900; one map tracer, $720; one map tracer, $600; four machine operators, at $1,200 each; two machine lptperators, at $1,100 each; one machine operator, $1,000; three cha ours, at $900 each; two skilled laborers, at S90) each; three laborers, at $840 each; six laborers, at $720 each; four laborers, at $660 each; five laborers, at $600 each; two laborers, at $540 each; one messenger, $720; ten messengers, at $540 each; one messenger, $480; six messenger boys, at $600 each; five messenger boys, at $540 each; twent — one messenger boys, at $480 each; me messenger boys, at $420ieacK; one messenger boy, $360; one messenger boy, $300; one charwoman, $540; six charwomen, at $480 each; six charwomen, at $300 each; nine charwomen, at $2-10 each; in. all,*$671,810. · G°°°’°'°‘*"’“’°°· Gnxninu. nxrnxsns, Bunnsuon Manners: For salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, traveling expenses, rent outside of the District of Columbia, and all other expenses necessary in conducting investiga- Di _ tions, experiments, and demonstrations, as follows: m,$`Z?'¥§‘§m Qfifffi For acquiring and diffusing among the people of the United States

    • °“· °°PP“°$· °*¤- useful information on subjects connected with the marketin and distributing of farm and nonmanufactured food roducts ant? the pin--

chasing of farm supplies, independently and) in cooperation with