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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/315

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294 SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 77. 1919. D°“€”°“°“°’ “‘“‘“· Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby) authorized, P _ on gpplication or otherwise, to designate the lands su ject to dis- AQETQSAFM ozapsn. pos under the provisions of this act: Provided, however, That §,?§ ¥’“°' ‘° °"¤‘ where any person or association qualified to receive a permit under the provisions of this act shall make application for such dpermit upon land which has not been designated as subject to dispos under the provisions of this act (provided said ap lication is accompanied and su ported by properly corroborated aigdavit of the app icant, m dup cate, showing prima facie that the land applied for is of the S¤¤l>¤¤S*¤¤ ¤' ¤<=· character contemplated by this act), such application, together tion. . . . . . V with the regular fees and commissions, shall be received bly the regis- N _ { th ter andirgceiveiii of tlipallaiid disgrict which szgdblanclll issocated and O 0 B had during Suspm suspen e_ unt it s _ ave een etermme y the ecretarryho sm. the Interior whether said land IS actually of that character. at during such suspension the land described in the application shall not be disposed of; and if the land shall be designated under this act, téhen auch applicatkaln shall be allowed; otherwise it shall be re- A”mtim,“m_ jecte , su 'iect to appe ._ _ _ _ mm, Sec. 3. hat any quahned applicant for a perrmt under section R°‘g}**'jum°“*‘ °f 1 of this Act shall Hle with the re ister or receiver of the land disg1fb¤ii1¤¤=·dI°rper trict in which said land is locatedg the application for such ermit and shall make and subscribe before the proper officer and iilg with said register or receiver an affidavit that such application is honestly and in good faith made for the purpose of reclamation and cultivation an not for the benefit of any other person or corporation, and that the applicant is_not acting as agent for any person, corporation, or syndicate in making such application, nor m collusion with any person corporation, or s dicate to give them the benefit of the land apghgd fortlor any part %reof, apd tg applicant will faithfully; an ones y en eavor com y wi o the re uirements 0 ra. ghis ict, and slgall payhto sa.id;)rpgislter alpd reiceiver (gsi fee of cen er acre or eac acre o an em race m said a cation Issue. a§d {megs applaicantdshixlll then be Entitled tg receive sucg pgrlrlnit after t e an em race therein are esignate as provide m section 2 of this Act. Conditions for de- · . . vglgpmgng .,,,,,,m.,,,,_ Sec. 4. That such a rmit shall be u n condition that the I'- mittee shall begin operggons for the degglo ment of undergroiihd waters within six months from the date of the permit and continue such operations with reasonable diligence until water has been dis- _ covere in the guantity hereinafter described, or until the date of dH’;,§,’{f,§,°f’{‘§c'f" ’“°*°‘ the expiration o the plermit. Upon the resentation at any time of proof satisgictory to the Secretary of the gnterigr tliiat any permitgeie is not con ucting suc o erations in ood fait an wit reasona e diligence, or has violatedp any of the tgerms of the ermit, the Secretary shall gorthwithdcancel such permit, and such permittee shall not again e grante a rmit im er this Act. 0,Pg__*gg*;;*¤g,9sj,§`$g;*; Sec. 5. That on establlilshing at any time within two years from mg amxepmenzuer the date of the (permit to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the E “ ” Interiorghat unlergrinmd watirs ini sufficient quantity to prodpce at a pro t agricu tura cro s other t an native asses upon not ess than twenty acres of land) has been discoveregr and developed and Eendeged available forhsuchduse within thaehlimits og tihe land emrace in any permit the said ermittee s e entitle to a atent for one-fourth of the land embraced in the permit, such areapto be sielected by} tlile peri:-Eitti-ie compact lgoiilm iaccgrlding to the legal subivisionso the u ic an surveys` the an esurve ed,ortobe surveyed at hislbxpense under rules and regulations esytablished by the Secretary of the Interior if located on unsurveyed land. Remainder subject Sec. 6. That the remaininv area within the limits of the land em- °°~?§f‘f§f°§g“Y‘§·§’§"" braced in any such permit shall thereafter be subject to entry and