296 six’rY-s1X*rH cononmss. sm. 1. ons. vs, 79. 1919. mauigpriéuwtagg so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby apprulpriated, to be raid civiliansliiuring. immediately available and to remam available until- nme 30, 1920, for payment of claims on account of loss of Erearms and ammunition taken by the United States troops from civilians in the State of rmst. Colorado during the labor strike troubles which occurred in the ,,,;*,?,g’f‘t‘{·§},§{,,_S°°'°‘ calendar year 1914: Provided, That settlement of such claims shall be made y the Auditor for the War De artment upon the approval and recommendation of the Secreta of) War, where the amount of the loss has been ascertained by therllrar Department, and payment ghereof wéill bg aucepted by the owners of the property in full satisaction 0 suc c aims.
Approved, October 22, 1919.
ommm,1919. 91**-74*8-1 mar. vo.-as Act To mesa mem 5200 me 5202 ot are Revised same, of [rubue, N0. cz.] the United States as amended by Acts of June 22, 1906, and September 24, 1918. Be it enacted by the Senate and H ouae of Rri{resentativea of the United §_’g_•*~*,;•;’:,}@,;m¤ States of America in 0mii;}·e.gs assembled, at section 5200 of the by- Revise Statutes of the mted States as amended by the Acts of Juueu22, 1906, and September 24, 1918, be further amended to read as o ows:
¤°¤°¤° “Sec. 5200. The total liabilities to any association of any person 10%:.5. a&e;ul¤éds200, p. or of agly upiiigpuy, cprporation, or figm {OIL mlunlulyiljiorrogveili, mcludi V,;,_w_ g67;m,,,,d. mgm e a tieso a company or rm the a 165 o thesevera •·i· P members thereof, shall at no time exceed 10 per centum of the amount PT m of the ulapitglliatock of tsuch fassoc1ation,_ egcituallyi puid 113- °" · impaire ,an ercen umo itsumm an- surpus un : r ' giiiigiigiiginnfese- however, That (li) the discount of billspof exchan e drawn in ood €’,¤°’g¤°,§’ bins ° I"' faith agamst actually existing values, including niafts and bills of exchange secured by ship ing documents conveying or securing t1tledtu)ygu1u)ds1;1mIpg>ed,vm_ mcludmgiuemand ub];-gations wluanhise— _cure c e scoerm commoiiesmacu rocessos 9i%i°?1l§m;_°‘ for ment, and also including bar§rers’ acceptances of the liinds describepd c35,¤;E}t fg; ds. in section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act, (2) the discount of commer- °°¤¤*°· cial or business paper actually owned by the person, com any, corbiafsgislagiaggrguc 1;; poration, or negotiating the same, (3) the discount oi) notes se- ,,.,.,,,mSh,,brt’,t,.g;;s,, cured by shipping documents, warehouse receipts, or other such °”°; documents conveying or securmv title covering readily marketable ‘°*“° °‘S°°“’“Y· nonperishablo staples, including live stoclr, when the actual_market value of the property securing the obligation is not at any time less than 115 per centum of the face amount of the notes secured by such Nom with kdm, documents and when such property is fully covered by insurance, seeumxessseeumrai. and (4) the discoimt of any note or notes secured by not less than a like face amount of bonds or notes of the United States issued since April 24, 1917, or certificates of indebtedness of the United States, M { shall not_be considered as money borrowed within the meaning of mittgdiwiiilil gizididii this section. The total habilities to any association, of any person °‘ F°°°'“'S°°“”“°°- or of any corporation, or firm, or company, or the several members thereof upon any note or notes purchased or discounted bv such association and secured by bonds, notes, or certificates of indebtedness as described in (4) hereof shall not exceed (except to the extent pterrluitged by rules gnu} regulatigus fprilescgibed by the Comptroller o the urrency, wit the approv o the ecretary 0 the Treasur ‘) 10 per centum of such capilfal stock and surplus fund of such ais- Msgggc by bills of sociation and the total liabilities to any association of any person or ’ or of any corporation, or iirm, or company, or the several members thereof for money borrowed, including the liabilities upon notes secured in the manner described under (3) hereof, except transactions (1), (2), and (4), shall not at any time exceed 25 per centum of the