SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 224. 1920. 753 any such persons of the protection in the premises provided under existing law. Sec. 5. That such of the unallotted lands as are now used for ,,,gQ‘,$,‘§,,’;°$§,,,,§‘},$,;;_’°S°" agency, school, cemetery, or religious purposes shall remain reserved from a.llotment so long as such agency, sc ool, cemetery, or religious institutions, respectively, are maintainedfor the benefit of the tribe: Provided, That the Secret of the Intcrlor, u on the request of the {,’;g"';g§pmts to mm tribal council, is hereby aiiizhorized directed to cause to be issued nous oraauimiws. a patent in fee to the duly authorized missionary board or other proper °°°‘ authorit of any religi ous organization heretofore engaged in mission or schoolrwork on the reservation for such lands thereon as have been heretofore set aside and are now occupied b such organizations for missionary or school purposes: Prooakledfurzher, That not more than tigzsgé _9¤<1 rggrsesix hundred and forty acres may be reserved for administrative wm ` purposes at the_Crow Agpncy, and six tracts of not exceeding eighty acres each, in different stricts on the reservation, may be reserved for recreation grounds for the common use of the tribe, or purchased from the tribal fimds if no tribal lands are available, and all such lands shall be definitely described and made a matter of record by the InSmmOHTli’. dall 8.lS•1(l] `l d f Mi "’ " 1:0. 6. at an an miner , mc u `n Ol an as, on an 0 s,,,.{§,°§", 3 ’ ?,,§°‘ the lands to be allgtted hereunder are reserveziri for theglieneiit ofylzhe M- 0 t lm L 9- members of the tribe in common and may be leased for mining pur- L°°¤°S°¤*h°**=°·*· poses, upon the request of the tribal council under such rules, regulations, and conditions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, but no lease shall be made for a longer period than ten years, but the lessees shall have the right to renewal thereof for a further period of ten years upon such terms and conditions as the Secretary of the In- _ terior may (prescribe: Provided, fuywever, That allotments hereunder fQ{’g,‘§ggim with may be ma e of lands classified as valuable chiefly for coal or other ¤¤i¤¤¤¤1 ¤·>¤¤¤·¤¢i<>¤s· minerals which may be patented as herein provided with a reservation, set forth in the patent of the coal, oil, gas, or other mineral deposits for the benefit of the érow Tribe: And provided further, That at the ,,,T§u},’§§,'}“§},’§$P§',§§ ex iratron of fifty years from the date of approval of this Act unless years. otliierwrse ordered by Congress the coal, oil: as, or other mineral deposits upon or beneath the_ surface of said allotted lands shall become the roporty of the individual allottee or his heirs. Sec. 7. Tiiat there is hereby appropriated the gum of 55e,gee, or ”$,{éIg·,*;>_¤{¤¤¢¤¤¤ Mr so much thereof as may be necessary, rom any funds in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Crow Tribe of Indians not otherwise approipriated, for the purpose of making the surveys and allotments and or other expenses provided for herein. Sec. 8. That any allotment, or part of allotment, provided for ,,,%§§‘,,‘}}‘2,§,§’,‘,,f,,‘{"’°’ under this Act, irrigable from any irrigation system now existin or hereafter constructed by the Government on the said reservation, sliall bear its pro rata share, computed on a per acre basis, of the cost of _ eonstructin such system: rornded, That no additional irrigation {QQ; 0, mba hi stem shag be established o1' constructed b the Government for *1**i¥°*1 ‘°' ¤ddi¤°¤=** He irrigation of Indian lands on the Crow `iileservation until the p"°°°' consent of the tribal council thereto has been duly obtained. All charges against allotments authorized by this section shall be reimbursed in not less than twenty annual payments, and the Secretary of the Interior may fix such operation and maintenance charges against such allotments as may be reasonable and °ust, to be aid as provided in rules and regulations to be prescribed by him. lilnless otherwise P°"m°m°'°b°”g°° aid, latter charges may be paid from or made a char e upon ills individual share of the tribal fund, when said fund is availible for distribution; and 1f any allottee shall receive atent in fee to his allotment before the amount so charged `nstgris land has been paid, such unpaid amount shall become mm a lien upon his allotment,
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