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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/813

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792 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sims. II. Ch. 227. —1920. ·*·¤¤¤-ES °* wu- as offenses ainst public justice b any revision of chapter 6 of the Act of §arch 4, 1909, entitledy"An Act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States" (volume 35, United States Statutes at Large, page l088), or any amendment thereof, com uk umu- be punished as therem provided. _ crimmgtiolfy pmhm Am. 24. Courprsonr SELF-IZNCRll\ilN'A'l'ION PZB.OIl'IIBI'I‘?'JD.—N0 witirgii 39 654 new ness before a military court, commission, court of mquiry, or board, ,,d_° ‘ ’p’ ’ or before any officer conducting an investigation, or before any officer, milit or civil designated to take a deposition to be read in evidence ligore a military court, commission, court of inquir , or board, or before an officer conducting an investigation, shag be compelled to incriminate himself or to answer any question the answer to which may tend to incriminate him, or to answer any questipnhnplt materia to the issue when such answer might tend to ra e . Rgrggggggiy Gina-. 25. DEPOSITIONS—WHEN ADMISSIBLE.—··A. duly authenticated ' deposition taken upon reasonable notice to the opposite party may be read in evidence before any milita court or commission m any me not or ainy proceemiingrieforela coiirt of inquiry pir a ` , suc e sition e ta en w en the witness resi es, is fotnidd, or is about to goplieyond the State, Territory, or District in Ylhicgi the cougt, cogimgrsgpln, qr bpard ii ordered po sit? orhbeyond e istanceo one un mics romtepacoo tria or e , or when it appear}; to theaatisftgction of thai) co1u·t, compnission, bkqlard, or a ointin au orit at e witness, reason o age, sic ess, bodd; iniireighty, imprigonment, or other redrsonable cause, is imable g°§l`§§in ma, for to appear and testify in person at the place of trial or hearing: Prod¤*°¤¤°- vided, Tliat testimony by deposition may be adduced for the defense in ca ita cases. Desismttd _°*?°*=**=* 26. Dnrosrr1oNs—Bnronn wnom ·rAKnN.—Depositions to be wummdtotakh read in evidence before military courts, commissions, courts of inquiry, or military boards, or for other use in militarf;3 administration, may be taken before and authenticated by any officer, military or civil, authorized by the laws of the United States or by the laws of the place where the deposition is taken to administer oaths. f&*¤H{§gSgf)j1¤g;;_;;YO},,s ART. 27. Comzrs or 1NoUmr——Rmcom>s or, WHEN Am11ssmL1·:.— et, as evidence. The record of the proceedin of a court of inquiry may, with the consent of the accused, be reads in evidence before any court-martial or military commission in any case not capital nor extending to the dismo __ missal of an officer, and may also be read in evidence anyrproceecb sytiligissaa eipan, ing before a court of inquiry or a military board: Provided, at such °*°-·°mS· evidence may be adduced by the defense in capital cases or cases _ extending to the dismissal of an officer. $$ilSii;°$li?}°?};.».· 28· CER'1é»;1;d AIYXTSS TO CONSTITU’1£iE n1¤snn·rrpN.——Any o§iitc§r ¤¤ =%<"¤*=*¤¤¤ °“¤S*¥· w o avin ten res' ation an rior to ue notice o e umm` acceptanceif the same, quitsllilis ost or pipoper duties without leave and vglth iintent to absent permanently therefrom shall be deem a eserter. ¤¤};i¥iéié‘l1il§`¤'il`a$;Zlil` Any soldier who, without having first received a regular discharge, again enlists in the Army, or in the militia when in the service of the United States, or in the Navy or Marine Corps of the United States. or in any foreign army, shall be deemed to have deserted the service of the United States; and, where the enlistment is in one of the forces 0; the United States mentioned above, to have fraudulently enlisted _ , therein. d,§‘}_""°‘d h““`“"°‘” Any person sulggect to military law who quits his organization or €{}i°*·3"·P-655·¤m€¤"· place o duty wi the intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service shall be deemed a deserter. ,,,2,§’§§,,‘*‘,§‘,§°‘c,,”,§,°{“’°“‘ gmx 29. Cocnr ro Announce AOTION.—Whenever the court has acquitted the accused upon all specifications and charges, the co1u·t