SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 227. 1920. 795 by court-martial shall be three years: Provided rl]; That th -*¤”°·'¤ °' **1- pinriod of any absence of the accused from the ion of th; didixiim mm lub nitgd States, and alstpl any pezéipd which lby reason of some man' est impedim' ent e accus ll not have b bl to military jiistice shall be excluded in com uting the dfeegeasldliglugerlods of limitation: pr urther, That article shall not have the Cflmas barred. effect to authorize the t or punishment for any crime or offense bagled by tiki; provisions of law. No S com t mf ·r. 40. TO Norman.- o person shall without his co t ‘ ° Q, °' be tried a second time for the same offense;ibut no proceedilrilgliii :?§lI:’l·f:g°¤1:?°5’·¤¤°¤d· which an accused has been found Baxilty by a court-martial upon any f1¤¤1 amor recharge or specificationshall be h to be a trial in the sense of this q“"°°‘ arti e unt the reviewing and, if there be one, the confirming authority shaH have taken Bn action upon the case. R t I 1 No authority shall return a record of trial to any court-martial for cendixirgiigiii °° r°` reconsideration of- (a) An acquittal; or _ _ _ (b) A finding of not giulty of any spxecihcation; or (c) _A fin of not guilty of any c arge, unless the record shows a finding of ty under a specification laid under that charge, which sufficiently eges a violation of some article of war; or (d)_ The sentence orignally imposed, with a view to increasing its severity, unless such sentence is less than the inandatory sentence gxed hlilyl law for the offense or offenses upon which a conviction has een . And no courtjmartial, in any proceedings on_ revision, shall re- ,;¤l$°’°°°i°° °° ""' consider its or sentence in any particular in which a return of the record of trial or such reconsideration is hereinbefore prohibited. F. runrsmmwrs. rmaummn. gsm. 4i£81Cnrm:i.hA1~rn UNUFUAL roligplsgmgszglrs ;t€;{;‘; °°°‘· "'°"“* an unus punis ments o ev , m udm' g oggm` , ran - °- ·P-°57»¤¤¤¤¤d- ing, markingi,)Ioi· tattooing on thexzody, are prohibited. g edéemmtmy Ama 42. onsfor c0NF1NEi;EdN‘1i-—Wmm LAWFUL.-Except fog agmmd t desertion in time o war, repea esertion in time o eace an ,,,,8,8,,, _ ° °' mutiny), no person shall under tl10 sentence of a court-martial be’pun- :3701-3°,¤ig57.m¤¤d· islliledh hy coniinmeiiii in a penitggtxary unfiess anfact orllomission og ' `c ei convict isrecogmz asan o ense o a civ` naturean go punishasble by confinement for more than one mr by some statute o_ e United States, of general application wi the E ti continental United States, excepting section 289, Penal Code of the vg? is, ({5145. United States, 1910, or by the law of the District of Columbia, or by way of commutation of a death sentence, and unless, also, the period of rilonhnement autli)0%§gd&n'il'had]u<i1ged by such coupt·m]si£rtIial Pm,m_ is more t an one year: T Z atw en asentenceo co e- More than me ofment is adjudged by a c0urt—mqrt1al upon conviction of two or more '°“’°' acts or omissions any on_e of which is punishable imder these articles by confinement lil a peILit6I1t}8·1'_Y, the entire sentence of coniinenient mm, migike ex ecuiled iii a pexiiltentiglryz Prolpidedfucrtgher, That pemtentitigry co ement ere y au oriz may e serv in an eniten ry directly or indirectly under the jurisdiction of the {lngted States: M D,scipum”Bu._ Provided fw-ther, That persons sentenced to dishonoi-able discharge ¤wk¤.•>¢¤- and to confinement not m a penitentiaigsshall be conhned in the United States Discipimary Barracks or ewhere as the Secretary of War or the reviewing authority may direct, but not in a penitentiary- B., B Aer. 43. DEATH sny·r1:Non—Wrmn· LAwr··m..—No person shall, :,*?$:§:r:=¢éc€,¢ui?_e:i1;¤t: by general court·mart1al, be convicted of an oiense or which the ee.° 'p' ’ ` death penalty is made mandatory by law, nor sentenced to suffer death,
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