SIXTY-SIXTH c0NcREss. sms. 11. cs. 227. 1e2o. 801 Ama 61. Ansnrzcn wrrnour LmvE.—Any person sublject to mili- lf*t;m°'-” °: YB- tary law who fails to repair at the fixed time to the proper y appointed iam, °° W t °`" lace of duty, or goes from the same without proper leave, or absents himself from his command, guard, quarters, station, or camp without proper leave, shall be pumshed as a court-mart1al may direct. c. nrsnnsrncr ; msunonnmerron ; mrrrur. Am. 62. Drsruzsrncr rowann mm Prmsmmzr, Vrcn Pnmsmmrr, pR}§'.{‘§¤p2,°{,°,§_w“d‘b° Coscnnss, Sscnmanr or Wan, eovmmons, Lnc1sLA·rUar:s.—Any ofiicer who uses contemptuous or disrespectful words eégainst the President, Vice President, the Congress of the United tates, the Secretary of War, or the tgovernor or legislature of any State, Territo , or other possession 0 the United States in which he is uartered shlgl be dismissed from the service or suffer such other punishment as a court—martial may direct. Any other person subject to military law who so offends shall be punished as a court—martial may direct. T Anr. 63. Drsnnsrncr ·r0wam> surmmou OFFICER.—·ADy person awww me °" subject to military law who behaves himself with disrespect toward his superior officer shall be punished as a court-martial may direet, A H Anr. 64. Assaunrme on wn.Lr··uL1.r nrsonrzrme surnnrorz. om- ,,.,,§,?§,§§§{ °“’·· S"' cnn.-——Any person subject to military law who, on any pretense whatsoever, strikes his superior officer or draws or lifts up any weapon or offers an violence against him, being in the execution of his ofhee, or willfully disobeys ang lawful command of his superior officer, shall suffer death or suc other punishment as a court-martial may direct. Am-. 65. Issonoimmarn oormucr ·r0wAm> Noucomnssromm w,;‘,§,§,*;¤},§*’,;§;,g,,§§; o1rrrc1m.—Any soldier who strikes or assaults, or who attempts or m‘§Sgli¤§¤d gtggwghmé threatens to strike or assault, or willfugléy disobeys the lawful order of sa. ‘ '°' ' a warrant officer or a noncommission officer while in the execution of his office, or uses threatening or insulting laniguage, or behaves in an insubordinate or disrespectful manner towar a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer Shile in dtlhe execution of his office, shall be nnished as a courtrmarti may ect. . . P Am. 66. Murmx on ssnrr10N.—Any person subject to military seiiiilgxig mumy °” law who attempts to create or who begins, excites, causes, or joins in any mutiny or sedition in any comaplany party, post, camp, detachment, guard, or other corglmand sufler death or such other pun- ` hment as a court-marti ma irect. 18 Anr. 67. Farrmm ro suvrngss murmr on snnrrr0N.—-Any officer mgdiigrhizeslihiim or soldier who, being present at any mutmy or sedition, does not use his utmost endeavor to suppress the same, or knowing or havmg reason to believe that a mutiny or sedition is to take place, does not without delay `ve information thereof to his commanding officer shall suffer deagii or such other pumshment as a court-martial may direct. uarrels, as , and Am, 68. Quammns; FRAYS; mS0n1>mzs.——All officers, members of <¤s%e§;?iJ_6m ;m_d_ the Army Nurse Corps warrant officers, Army field clerks, field .,d_ ’ clerks, Quartermaster éorps, and noncommissroned officers have power to part and quell all quarrels, frays, and disorders among persons subject to military law and to order officers who take part m the same into arrest, and other persons subject to military law who take part in the sameinto arrest or confinement, as circumstances may require, until their proper superior officer is acquainted therewith. And whosoever, being so ordered refuses to obey such officer, nurse, band leader, warrant officer, iield clerk, or noncommissioned officer, or draws a weapon gpon or otherwise threatens or does violence to him, shall be pimish as a court-martial may direct.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/822