SIXTY·SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. . 809 from the military service of the United States and deliver him into *“‘°‘·“ °' "”~ the custody of the military authorities of the United States. Arr. 107. Sotmnns T0 MAKE soon rum n0s·r.—Every soldier who g0§·},§u*g,0s*g mm in an existing or subsequent enlistment deserts the service of the ` United States or without proper authority absents himself from his organization, station, or duty for more than one day, or who is confmed for more than one day under sentence, or while awaiting trial and disposition of his case, the trial results in conviction, or through the intemperate use of drugs or alcoholic liquor, or through disease or injury the result of his own misconduct renders himself unable for more than one day to perform duty, shall be liable to serve, after his ret1u·n to a full uty status, for such period as shall, with the time he may have served ‘ rior to such desertion, unauthorized absence, confinement, or inability to perform duty, amount to the full term of that part of his enlistment period which he is required to serve with his organization before being furloughed to the Army reserve. Am. 108. SOLDIERS-SEPARATION mom THE s1¤nv1on.—No enlisted m’°”°"°°'“°"’“"" man, lawfully inducted into the military service of the United States, shall be discharged from said service without a certificate of dischar e, signed by a field officer of the reiment or other organization to which the enlisted man belongs or dy the commanding officer when no such field officer is present; an no enlisted man shall be dischar ed from said service efore his term of service has expired, except I>y order of the President, the Secretary of War, the commanding officer of a department, or by sentence of a general courtmartial. ` Am-. 109. Ohm or- ENLIS’1'MENT.—At the time of his enlistment °°“‘ °' °"“‘“"°“" every soldier shall take the following oath or affirmation: "I ————, do solemnly swear (or aiiirm) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America; that I will serve them honestli and faithfully against all their enemies whomsoever; and that I w` obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the Rules and Articles of War." This oath or affirmation may be taken before any officer. Arm t be d ART. 110. CERTAIN Amicnns TO me READ AND EXPLAINED." and ¤¥£m€d. M Articles 1, 2, and 29, 54 to 96, inclusive, and 104 to 109 inclusive, shall be read and explained to every soldier at the time of his enlistment or muster in, or within six days thereafter, and shall be read and explained once every six months to the soldiers of every garrison, regiment, or company in the scrvwe of the United States, C0 0, mm, 0, Aer. 111. Corr or nnoonn or ·rm.u..—Every person tried by a warp, general court-martial shall, on demand therefor, made by himself or by any person in his behalf, be entitled to a copy of the record of tha trial- rum or amused Am. 112. Errncrs or DECEASEP rr.11s0Ns—D1s1>0srr10N 0F.-—In pmpa. case of tue death of any person subject to military law the command- m§§;§§’§§“§f§%,’$? °°“‘ ing officer of the place 0 comtpand will permit the legal represents.- {Lg}- jg gj Q2- tive or widow of the deceased, if present, to take possession of all IHS To Qncbw, aé. . effects then in campl or quarters, and if no le al representative or Du_ { widow be present, t 6 001DI118.ud1¤g officer shui direct a. summary ,,,m_°°° ° mmmry court to sec1n·e all such oflpcts, and said summary court shall have au- of '*”» P- 3“»°m°¤d· thority to collect and rece1ve_ any debts due decedent’s estate by local debtors and to pay the undisputed local creditors of decedent in so far as any money belonging to the deceased which may_come mto said summary court’s possession under this article will permit, taking receipts therefor for iile with said ccurt’s final report upon 1,,,,,,%,,,,,,,, ,0 ,,,5 its tI'8.I1S8.Ci3l0I1S to tl;16 War Department; gud gg $00]; $5-ggticablg ciiiedkin,et4tié}th(i5ougn after the collection of such effects said summary court sh transmxt Qummw S m' such effects and any money collected, through the Quartermaster 4-l2s1°—21—53
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