SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. 8].1 such court or commission and may set down the same, in the first *“'°‘·” °’ "”- instance, in shorthand. Under l` e regulations the president of a I¤*°’P’°*°”- court-martial or military commission, or court of inqmry, or a summary court, may_ appoint an interpreter, who shall interpret for the court or commission. Am. 116. Pownns or ASSISTANT rms:. nmon Anvocarn AND or ,,d‘§0“,§?§2}"“*“"“d“° ASSISTANT DEFENSE coUNsEL.——An assistant trial judge advocate of 6d"°'~3°»P·°°°·°m°¤d· a general court-martial shall be competent to perform any duty ` devolved by law, regulation, or the custom of the service upon the A trial 'udge advocate of the court. An assistant defense counsel m§§’§i°°”° d°f°"°° shall be competent likewise to perform any duty devolved by law, regulation, or the custom of the service u%<$_r; counsel for the accused. Removal 0, ,,,,,,8 Ama 117. REMOVAL or crvn; sUrrs.——- en any civil or criminal 2,0;; stm ¢¤ district prosecution is commenced in any court of a State against any officer, Vo1.s39,p.669,¤mend. soldier, or other person in the military service of the United States ""· on account of any act done under color of his office or status, or in respect to which he claims any right, title, or authority under any law of the United States respecting the military forces thereof, or under the law of war, such suit or prosecution may at any time before the trial or final hearing thereof be removed for trial into the district court of the United States in the district where the same is v,,,_3,,,p_m,_ pending in the manner prescribed in section 33 of the Act entitled ‘An Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating to the `udiciary," approved March 3, 1911, and the cause shall thereupon be entered on the docket of said district court and sha.ll proceed therein as if the cause had been oiiginally commenced in said district court and the same proceedings h been taken in such suit or prosecution in said district court as shall have been had therein in said State court prior to its removal, and said district court shall have full power to hear and determine said cause. D, I or db Am. 118. Orricrzns, SEPARATION mom sEnv1cE.—No olhcer shall masnoremm. be discharged or dismissed from the service except by order of the President or by sentence of a general court-martial; and in time of peace no officer shall be dismissed except in pursuance of the sentence Dmpp,,d,,,,,,_bsm.,,, of a general court-martial or in m1tigation thereof; but the President i¤¤1>ri¤¤¤¤¤¤¤t. ewmay at any time drop from the rolls of the Army any officer who has been absent from duty three months without leave or who has been absent in confinement in a prison or penitentiary for three months after final conviction by a court of competent jumsdiction. ART, 119, Rim: AND r1mc.¤:nmNcs A.uoNe Rneuinas, Mrurra, Arm ,§},“§‘,;,§‘g“R,p'$i,i‘§j VOLL'NTEERS.—·Th&l} in time of war or public danger, when two or g;;Q§=·» md il<>*¤¤- more officers of the same grade are on duty in the same Held, depart- cémmsmi in time of ment, or command, or o organizations thereof, the President may "$Q,_3,,x,,_670_,,m,,,,_ assign the command of the foI'G6S of Such field, department, or•com- ¢<{xm€ p_ 785_ mend, or of any orgaanization thereof, without regard to seniority of ’ rank in the same a e. . Am- 120. COMM§;TD WHEN DIFFERENT conrs on commrmps HAPPEN 1,,§,‘§,‘{‘“§§}‘§, "{,l}°‘f,,§f§{Z T0 Jury.--When different corps or commands of the military forces mmds h°PP°”‘°¤°’”· of the United States happen to join or do duty together, the officer highest in rank of the line of the Regular Arm , Marine Corps, forces drafted or called into the service of the United? States, or Volunteers, there on duty, shall, subject to the provisions of the last preceding article, command the whole and give orders for what IS needful m the service, unless otherwise directed by the President. _ _ Arun 121. Comrmmrs or waoxcs.-—Any officer or soldier who w§,gg’§_P'“’¤*’ °' believes hiinsclf wronged by his commanding officer, and, upon due application to such commander, is refused redress, may complain to the eneral commandin in the locality where the officer against whom is complaint is made is stationed. The general shall examine into said complaint and take proper measures for redressing the
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